Thursday, October 31, 2019
Analysis of the attempted merger of AT&T and T- Mobile Research Paper
Analysis of the attempted merger of AT&T and T- Mobile - Research Paper Example Both the organizations contended that the proposed merger lacks the capability to affect the wireless service competition. They stated that other wireless service providers can easily replace the competition lost because of merger and the merger would dwarf the effects of anti-competition. AT&T hoped to buy T-mobile from Deutsche Telecom with the deal amounting to 39 billion dollars. With the effect of the deal AT&T became the largest mobile phone service provider in United States as the deal came with more than 33 million subscribers. If the deal would have been accepted AT&T would have enjoyed a market share of 43% widening the gap with the competitors further (Communications Workers of America, 2011). Research questions Whether the attempted merger between AT&T and T-mobile good or not. Literature Review and Analysis Some researchers posed the thought that the merger would contribute to enhance the market power. The wireless market as well as the post paid market is highly concent rated at the national level using the brink of guidelines of Horizontal Merger. The concentration falls in the range where DOJ and FTC conclude. The guidelines provide that concentration and market shares are measured on revenue basis. The revenues are attributable to the facilities based carriers in the wireless market. Using Herfindahl-Hirschman index they showed that the approach will contribute to enhance market power. It was found that T-mobile continued to be the significant competitor within the market structure (The New York Times. 2011). The other competitors did not have the capability to deal with the slack that resulted from the elimination of T-mobile from the framework of competition. The efficiency claims of AT&T were overstated and the efficiencies resulted from the merger was not good enough to overcome the effects of anti-competition. It was also found that the merger was likely to increase the competitive disadvantages for the other players in the market (Besen, K letter, Moresi, Salop and Woodbury, 2012). The costs got higher while the quality standard got reduced. The effect was also felt on roaming services by limiting the access of the players on leading edge handsets. The competitive significance of the players would have suffered and would have led to recreation of wireless duopoly. The prices of wireless services fell and reversion to effective duopoly would reverse the gains from wireless competition. The merging companies were not offering differentiated products at different local prices on the basis of local conditions of competition. Therefore it was necessary to evaluate the competitive effects of national market as well as the separate conditions in different local markets (The Centre of Media Justice, 2012). If concerns are found at the national level then it would not be possible for the concerns to take care of the localized markets. At one time the Guidelines of merger stated that only small antitrust markets would be analyz ed but the approach is ignored by antitrust agencies policies. If the deal would have really taken place the consumers would have been harmed by two waves. The current customers of T-mobile will now have to opt for AT&T’s expensive phones and data plans rather than the value priced smart phones and cheap data plans. The main aim of AT&T in the merger was to create a
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Assignment 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Assignment 5 - Essay Example These terms are known to be objective and not subjective. From this, what it means is that the doctor knows more about what the patient is feeling than the patient themselves (Norman, 2004). According to Norman, the world today needs to consider the subjective points of view and not depend so much on the expert opinions. This is ironical since most of the subjective views always come from those affected. E.g. a computer scientist would not know the kind of interface that various groups of people may want without getting their opinion on such. We have to get a more subjective point of view so as to adapt to the explorations that are available today in terms of usability. For example, computer scientist cannot completely ignore user’s subjective views as they are the final people who will use their product. For example if a computer engineer wants to come up with a new hardware, they have to study the needs of the common man and understand what they need. If computer engineers n ever thought subjectively then they would end up building products that are complex and few users would be able to use the products (Norman, 2004). Norman also believes that we have different points of observation. Every user has a way in which they see different things; a professional might see something in a more complicated way as opposed to the non technical manner that a less experienced user might see it. It is for this reason that people can have their own observation and opinions on different matters. Scientist therefore needs to leave the positivism idea and learn to accept some of the subjective opinions. From this observation, it is evident that even though scientist only believe in the objective tone, much of the subjective tone is necessary if they want to understand what people want. Otherwise they would be making products for themselves. 2 Philosophy is described as the study of reality, knowledge and existence. Most people tend to associate philosophy with books and theories that try to explain fundamental laws in physics and nothing that touch our daily lives. Philosophy has been there for thousands of years and various philosophers have existed and have been able to explain the various things that touch our lives. Just like philosophy has touched and influenced a lot of people and life, the IPod has been a great tool in influencing the lives of millions of people. The iPod is transforming the lives of millions of people every day and making them get new ideas within a click. People are listening to music of their taste and others reading social links and contributing a lot to the economy. However, have we ever taken time t o try and link philosophy with an iPod? An iPod can define an individual, the contents of a person determines the kind of things that the person likes as well as the information that is useful to their lives. Since philosophy is concerned with the social lives of people as well, it is ironic that most people would try to ev ade this important field yet it touches them in almost every angle. Most scholars have tried to link various current cultures with philosophy; computer science has however brought this even closer linking people with most philosophical issues such as graphical user interface. It is due to philosophy that a computer scientist is able to determine the type of service that people need. With the right study and understanding of people’
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Business Plan For Nike Products Business Essay
Business Plan For Nike Products Business Essay Nike Inc. is one of the renowned and largest manufacturers and importers of footwear and apparel. The present study aims at introducing the Nike products in a country where there are some restrictions upon women to select items that are not matched according to their religious ideology. For this a detailed market plan ahs been prepared and write up has been made for initial feasibility of necessary funds for cost allocation and advertisement. The study also made a SWOT analysis in such countries and view whether there are certain implications for the introduction of NIKE products or not. Introduction to NIKE Business: NIKE Inc. is renowned as worldwide importer of Japanese shoes and has proved it t to be the largest dealer in footwear and apparel. The estimation for the likeness of the NIKE products can be sketched from the overview that Nike products are sold on almost 20,000 retail accounts in USA only and about in 110 different countries. Apart from the athletic footwear, the company also sells Nike and Bauer brand sporty tools brand by Cole Haan and informal footwear and the Sports etc. The company is directly involved in the designing, development and marketing of its products while manufacturers are located in overseas. The company has a strategy to made consistent innovation in design of its products and heavy promotion in order to excel growth all over the world. Nike products were introduced by Philip H. Knight in 1962, who with an idea to eliminate the monopoly of German products on American market, started to import its products to USA on small scale. Along with the introduction of large range of products (Blue Ribbon sports shoes, Boston Shoes, soccer shoes) to satisfy customers demand, the firm ultimately shaped into Nike, Inc. By the end of the decade, the company has opened many retail stores within the region but the main problem faced by Knight was the lack of capital that has been financed by Japanese trading company Nissho Iwai Corporation. The availability of external financing enables Knight to arrange the manufacturing of its products overseas with the help of independent contractors. In order to import its products overseas, the company has introduced its brand name Nike in the whole world. The Company has tried to introduce new line of products in athletic shoes range but the growth of the company truly begun to take-off with the introduction of jogging shoes that were sold in United States in late 1970s. Nikes revenues turned to be tripled within two years in 1976 and then became doubled in just one year in 1977. To satisfy demand, the company opened new manufacture outlet, in Taiwan and Korea. An acceleration of sales was expanded with the introduction of NIKE products in Asian and South American markets in 1977. By 1982, in the companys line of products, more than 200 different kinds of footwear has been introduced by the company including the Air Force, basketball footwear, and shoe for racquet sports, the Air Ace, the newest models of innovative shoe designs that had pressed Nikes earnings to annually increment of almost 100 percent. In addition, 200 different types of clothing have been introduced by the company. Nike Mission Statement: The Mission statement of Nike introduced the concept *To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world *If you have a body, *you are an athlete*. The main aim of the Nike Inc. is to facilitate the athlete all over the world regarding the comfort of shoe and make every one to feel like an athlete if he has potential to use Nike products. Secondly, they want to bridge the gap between the provisions of goods overseas for this they started importing their products in order to boost growth and break down the monopoly of German products that have captured the United States market at that time. . Today, Nike always tries to find new and innovative style to make a competitive athletic goods and innovative methods to get a feedback directly from their consumers. Business Idea in Conservative Country: A conservative country may be defined as a place where the resources are scarce but people still believe to achieve most through hard work and dedication. In the pursue of introducing the products of NIKE in any conservative country, we have decided to use Pakistani women as sample filed because now a days Pakistan is economically conservative and women are specially restricted to wear dresses that represent their Islamic ideology. Per capital Income of average person is declining and conditions are getting even more worse still people in Pakistan believe that the conditions can be overcome. Low per capital Income is the basic for the savings and if people have savings they can enjoy the facilities of luxuries like NIKE products. Similarly, women prefer their family needs than their own needs and they do not want to spend money on such kind of unnecessary items. To excel the demand of the products, Strategies are hard to define in a country like Pakistan where resources are scarce bu t we have made an attempt to focus the attention of people. Executive Summary: For this, we have made first the executive summary of the person who will initiate a Company like environment as Sale center of NIKE products. The executive slogan is that behind great Company, there are strong leaders At Nike, environment is mutual, matrix organization where team members are allowed to report in two areas i.e. geography and global function. Nike brand include footwear, apparel and equipment product engines. The core customers categories include sports things, basketball, football (soccer), mens training, running, sportswear, and womens training; the business is being conducted in three main cities. Chairman (CEO) Chief executive President President chief Executive Officer CFO VP Financial Officer Treasurer Assist Treasurer Accountant Book keepers VP, Global Human Resource VP, Creative Design Resources VP, Commerce Affiliates President,Busines development P Marketing P Research Idea Generation: The recent survey conducted by us revealed that there was a tremendous growth and demand for the Nike products in Pakistan but females are specially deprived of using the same products as they are not too much involved in sports. Thus the promoter of the Idea takes an initiative along with other members to set up the business plan for execution of NIKE products for women in Pakistan. Later they Explored various aspects as whether to conduct plan and develop a web site or use other effective tools with some other unique ideas. Market Survey: As per the survey, Lahore and Islamabad has one of the highest demands for Nike products, since the willingness of the people for getting quality/branded products at cheap rates and within the geographical distribution is high. Also women in these areas are now stepping forward shoulder to shoulders with men to achieve the same success in every field as the man can. Thus, we analyzed the business scenario prepared a SWOT analysis. Strengths: Nike is the top most and highly competitive organization in the sports world. Phil Knight often quoted that Business is war without bullets. The major strength of the business is that Nike has no factories still it is the largest importer of athlete products because it ahs managed manufacturer overseas. Due to this ability the demand of the customers can easily be met within the country at low cost. Nike is not bound to spend its cash in premises and manufacturing workers. This makes a very tilt organization. Nike makes it strong with the help of research and development apart from assets. The Nike outlet in Pakistan will increase its revenues also the people will be introduced with different range of products. NIKE is a global brand, that make its the top most sports brand in the World. Its famous Swoosh is recognizable all over the world and even it is tattooed on the ankle. Therefore, the customers who never compromise on quality can be good target market for the NIKE products. NIKE products are especially comfortable for women as these can fulfilled the needs according to their ideology therefore, they can excel the use of the products in country. Weaknesses: One of the major weaknesses is that the organization must have a multiple line of products of sports goods while the business income still takes most of the share of the footwear promote. It means that all other products revenues could not offset if footwear market erodes. If the business will erode in parent Country that will affect the business in other countries as well. Opportunities: Nike can create many opportunities regarding its Product development. As the brand is protected by owners who do not considered Nike as a fashion brand. However, the demand of the consumers depends upon their willingness to buy Nike products apart from their likeness for NIKE products. If some argue that youth consider Nike a fashion brand, this could be an opportunity for NIKE products, There is also opportunity to innovate products such as sports clothing, sports cycling and jewellery. There is an opportunity of international business development. As Nike share strong brand recognition, many international markets that have such kind of income which can be spend on high price sports commodities can manage to enter the range of Nike brand. Threats: As Nike is exposed to international trade, it can buy and sell in different currencies which are the major threats of revenues fluctuations due to different currencies involved. Such an exposure means that Nike could be manufacturing its product at loss as well as at selling. This is an important point that every big brand has to face just because to maintain its reputation in the market in the global world. As the Model used by Phil Knight in his Stamford Business School days is now commonly used there is major threat that the edge of competitive advantage will be lost. Competitors of the Nike can take away Nikes share from the market by introducing substitute products. Regional Review: Pakistan is a highly riches resources country in agriculture and industrial point of view as well. It exports almost 60% of of its products on international standard the total population of the country is almost 18 crore and women are almost 45% of the total population. People their love to play support because Pakistani weather is very famous in the world. Now a days women are much aware readings the importance of sports and games and they are more conscious about their fatnesses and health. However there are some cultural and religious restrictions in the country but women are trying to participate in gyms activities in the ladies gyms as well. Now we will analysis the ratio of the women fitness trend in the majors cities of Pakistan like Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, Multan etc. There is more participation in women fitnesss centers. It has been increase from 2004 to 2009 up to 22% in Pakistan. Now a days Pakistani women are working in the offices whether part timer or as a full timer so they are more concerned about their fitness and almost 45% of the members of the gyms are women aged 18 to 45 years. The women fitness activities have been increased in the last 3 years and there is more chances to increment so if the Nike product is launch in Pakistan than the total estimated market share might be 6% to 7%. Product Selection: The target market (Pakistani women) selected is available in various ranges (age size), which are as followsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ From 18- 20 years From 20-25 years From 25-30 years From 35-40 years And the above-mentioned ranges sizes are available mostly in Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad because these areas are labor intensive. Most of the labor is Cheap Technical knowhow: There in no need to hire technical staff as the products at display centers will only require selling strategies and financial matters. However the sale experience must be required or there should be proper training sessions for the sale person who will stand in the retail stores and the person should know all the products as trained by the company. Availability of funds: After collecting the necessary funds, we would commence our business. We can borrow from bank as well. We can borrow from bank as well. Recruitment: The recruitment required is for 4 sales managers initially the specifications are as follows: They should be literate at post graduate level They should have enough knowledge about Nike brands Pleasant personality having skills to attract customers Feasibility Plan Capital Contribution = Rs. 3,000,000 FIXED COST PALN:  Rs. Building (Store room) 850,000 Conveyance 650,000 Equipment 60,000 Furniture 125,000 Land 70,000 Total 1,755,000 Variable Cost Plan: 1 month 2 month 3 month Total Salaries expense 250,000 250,000 250,000 750,000 Maintenance expense 50,000 50,000 50,000 150,000 Wages 60,000 60,000 60,000 180,000 Utilities expense 25,000 25,000 25,000 75,000 Rent expense 125,000 125,000 125,000 375,000 Entertainment expense 10,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 Misc. Exp 10,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 Total 530,000 530,000 530,000 1,590,000 Loan Requirement Plan Rs. Rs. Capital Investment 30,00,000 Cost of Sales 3,345,000 Requirement for General Reserve 635,000 3,980,000 Short Fall / loan requirement (Rs.) 980,000 On the basis of the projection report and the above given table, there is a requirement of a sum of Rs. 980,000/- for which we have applied for a loan from Bank. FORECASTED FINANCIAL STATEMENT NIKE Incorporation, Trading Profit Loss Account For 3 months Rs. Revenues 1,000,000 Cost of Sales 250,000 Gross Profit 750,000 Operating Expenses 530,000 Interest Expense @ 9.5% 23,275 Net Income 196,725 Nike Incorporation Feasibility Balance Sheet For three months ASSETS Rs. Liabilities and Equity Rs. Cash 1771725 A/P 980000 Land 70000 Capital 3000,000 Building 850000  Add: NP 196,725  3196725 Conveyance 650000 Equipment 60000 Furniture 125000 Stock 650000 Total 4,176,725 Total  4,176,725 Terms of Repayment of Loan: As per the agreement between Bank NIKE Inc both have agreed on the terms that loan will be repaid over a period of 5 years @ 9.5 %. MARKETING: The basic market research instrument was the survey in the TOI that told us about a possible potential in this field. All the partners then carried out research by collecting primary data ourselves. We spoke to existing manufacturers, locals etc. Though the market for our product is very huge, the competition is quite tough. But flags are used by everyone in the nation. Hence, like all of our competitors we are using Mass Marketing. There is range of product line i.e. the flags with a fair amount of variations in the product itself (as mentioned earlier). The pricing method we have chosen is the cost plus method where we plan to gradually increase the profit margin. Our products will be sold both in almost every city of Pakistan. We are using Quality Assurance as a key marketing strategy as the raw materials we use are of a good quality and the products are manufactured and stored in a good environment. Conclusion/Recommendations: The capital invested is of Rs.3, 00,000 and the total cost of production is Rs. 250,000 and thus resulting in a profit of Rs. 196,725. Since there is less availability of funds and thus as a company need a loan from the bank. Also the sales are expected to grow by 10% every year. It is strongly recommended that in order to excel the demand of the NIKE products in conservative countries like Pakistan, the business has to change its strategy and made a range of the products that is only for females and according to their likeness. As females like to be fashion oriented, the design should be made of unique style that are according to the fashions and taste of women style. This needs strong advertisement as well. Following all such the business can generate a strong demand for women footwear and apparel in NIKE products.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Stock Market crash of 1929 (present form) :: essays research papers
     Before World War I only small fractions of Americans invested or had interest in the Stock Market. Many Americans thought of Wall Street with fear and loathing. Populist politicians denounced Wall Street as the center of financial shell games thought up by millionaire operators like Gould, Drew, Morgan and others.      But with the conclusion of the War, many of Americans were getting a different perspective of the Stock Market. Many lost fears of investing due to many were previously buyers of Liberty Bonds. Many Americans assumed they knew the advantages of investing and knowledgeable about stock splits, margin accounts, dividends, etc. New financial methods, the investment trust offered new approaches to investing in the market and many major corporations such as General Motors, General Electric and AT&T offered common stock and bonds were starting to boom and attracted many new money-seeking investors.      And till last month, the market was center of conversation, talked about and financial advice was shared everywhere! The market continued to increase, Major Corporations stocks rose incredibly. But brokers loans reached $137 million, and New York’s banks were in debt to the Federal Reserve by $64million. Warning signs began to appear in the market, and many market analysts began predicting the crash. Throughout the nation, thousands of investors were margin trading, buying stock on credit. The margin trader bought stock by paying less than the full price. This was highly profitable but extremely risky. If the stock value decreased the customer had to invest more money to sustain the account. And if the stock kept falling, the customer would run out of their money, and the broker, who usually borrowed money from their banker, was forced to sell out the account for any amount offered. If the customer could not pay the broker, the broker was unable to pay the banker, which placed of them all in debt.      Many banks wanted their money from brokers, brokers wanted their money from customers, and the only method most customers could get their money was by selling their stock. And so there were massive rapid sales that totaled to nineteen million shares on Friday the 25th of October. The selling of the stocks depressed the market, in other words caused the stock market crash.      Yesterday, on October 29, 1929 also known as â€Å"Black Tuesday,†was the most devastating day in economic history, a total of 16, 410, 030 shares were sold.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Different Parenting Styles on Children
Researcher Diana Baumrind, help to identify and describe the four basic parenting styles; authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved parents. Research studies have proven that parenting style has a massive impact on a child's psycho-social development. Parenting styles have different outcomes on a child’s social relationships, school performance, and self-esteem. Authoritarian parents lack emotional nurturing. Permissive parents lack structure, but are better at providing more emotional support. Authoritative parenting is a combination of both authoritarian and permissive. Authoritative parents are better at setting ground rules and specific boundaries and sticking to them while also giving the child the emotional support they need. Uninvolved parenting is when children have parents that tend to neglect them. Uninvolved parents are so wrapped up in themselves and could care less about providing their child with emotional support or focusing on their child’s wants and needs. The authoritative parenting style is the most positive style for children. Consequently, children who have parents that are permissive or uninvolved engage in more high risk criminal behaviors that have a lasting effect on into adulthood. Keywords: Parenting, authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, uninvolved, psycho-social development â€Å"No surprise that there are big differences in the ways we approach parenting – our culture, the situations in our lives, and even the way our parents raised us influence what we think is the right way to parent†(Ritter, 2011). Since the 1920's, health and psychology experts have wondered why children behave the way that they do. They developed an interest in a child’s behavior and the style of parenting used in the home. Diana Baumrind is a psychologist and expert in parenting adopted the four differing parenting styles. She was responsible for the idea that different parents have different parenting styles and have a different way of raising their children. Research has suggested cultural specifics sometimes play a part in parenting strategies in their relation to a child’s behavior problems. Socioeconomic statuses were also found to have an effect on child-rearing practices. Social status can have a major effect on the parental-child relationship which can cause the parents to be a lot less nurturing. This research is to uncover the different parenting styles and the effect it has on a child’s educational, mental, and social development. â€Å"Parents are high on control but low on responsiveness. They emphasize rigid behavior standards, place a premium on obedience, and are emotionally distant and unresponsive†(Conger, Simons, Gordon, Leslie 2007). This style of parenting relates to authoritarian parents. These parents attempt to mold their child into what they would like to see them grow up to be. Authoritarian parents try to control their child’s actions by enforcing strict rules, and boundaries. This is the parenting style that allows no room for error or change. These parents lack affection in their style of parenting and are a lot less nurturing. â€Å"Children with authoritarian parents tend to do less well in school, are typically less skilled than their peers and have lower self-esteem. Children can appear passive or highly aggressive. The children's wishes have not been listened to nor valued†(Baumrind, 1991). These children lack the social skills needed for healthy relationships, however, they do very well when it comes to academics. Children of authoritarian parents have very good listening skills and are use to obeying rules and always having someone tell them what to do. They do this in order to avoid getting in to trouble. Authoritarian parenting is defined as punitive. Punitive parents tend to use physical punishment as a way of disciplining their child or children. Research has shown that parents who use physical punishment to discipline their children learned it from previous generations. Both theory and research suggest that harsh physical discipline is likely to undermine adolescent efforts to express autonomy and relatedness. Experiences of harsh discipline may lessen an adolescent’s sense of felt security in the family, and thus signal to the adolescent that relationships with parents are too fragile to survive an increase in autonomy†(Bender, Allen, McElhaney, An tonishak, Moore, Kelly, Davis, 2007). Children with punitive parents often suffer from depression, lower self-esteem, and lack social skills. A problem with children that have authoritarian parents is that when a child is in need of guidance or needs help solving a problem, they often turn to someone that they can trust, feel loved, and accepted by. Authoritarian parents have such high standards for their children in order for them to be successful adults, but they fail to realize they are missing out on real opportunities to provide the guidance that their child needs the most. It is healthy to have high expectations and limits for children but it is unhealthy when the balance love and affection is not defined. This is a balance that authoritarian parents need to find in order to successfully raise their child or children. Children with authoritarian parents tend to have more mischievous behaviors then their peers’. These children lie a lot and hide their behaviors for fear what their parents will say and do. They are afraid to be honest because of the consequences that can be given or have previously been given for their actions. Even if the child’s behavior is positive, and the parent does not agree that the child should be doing the active and that this is something that goes against what the parent has planned. The child will begin to hide all their behaviors even if they could receive negative or positive feedback. Furthermore, these parents fail to realize that their children are lying to avoid always being punished and that they are helping their child develop a life full of deceitful behavior. Permissive parents are parents that seek more pleasure out of their children and are more open to letting their children to behave any way they would like. According to Baumrind, permissive parents â€Å"are more responsive than they are demanding. They are nontraditional and lenient, do not require mature behavior, allow considerable self-regulation, and avoid confrontation†(Baumrind, 1991). â€Å"Research has also shown permissive parenting to be associated with negative outcomes such as school misconduct, substance abuse and low frustration tolerance†(Ang, 2005). Permissive parents have an uncontrollable love for their child but prefer to be more of the child’s friend than their parent. Permissive parents have a harder time when it comes to setting boundaries and struggle to carry out the consequences. These parents have few rules to keep order in the home such as, table manners, chores, bedtimes, homework, mealtimes, and being responsible. Permissive parents tend to let their children have control over their own behavior and make their own decisions. Even though permissive parents are loving, their lack for setting boundaries causes their children to suffer from insecurities. Lack of boundaries can cause a child to become selfish. Children with permissive parents have a high level of self –esteem and develop better social skills; however they tend to have more problematic behavior. These children lack motivation and interest in school because they are not held responsible for their actions. Children of permissive parents are self-centered and lack discipline. These children do not have many friends and lack good social skills. â€Å"Although authoritarian and permissive parenting styles appear to represent opposite ends of the parenting spectrum, neither style has been linked to positive outcomes,†(Bornstein, Bornstein, 2007). Children with permissive parents have a lot of insecurities because of the relationship that they have with their parents. They feel that their parents could care less about them. After all, these children have the freedom to do whatever they want and their parents not pay them any attention, or give them the guidance that they need to have a successful life. Dismissive parenting; or neglectful parenting; are also known as the uninvolved parenting style. This parenting style is almost like permissive parenting. One difference between the two styles is; uninvolved parents could care less about their children. These parents â€Å"lack emotional involvement and do not provide proper supervision†to their child (Dubai, 2009). Uninvolved parents provide for only their child’s basic needs such as, food, shelter, and clothing. One of the worse cases for these children is that some of these neglectful parents have major addictive behaviors which may leave the child to act as their own parent or guardian. A lot of these children lack the basic social and academic skills needed to have a successful life. They may even begin to become involved in criminal behaviors. These children do not attend school regularly which causes them to have poor academic records and a higher dropout rate. These children are more subject to become victims of physical, mental, sexual and emotional abuse due lack of supervision from their parents. These children have been found to have lasting mental and physical health problems that can affect them on into adulthood. Dismissing a child’s feelings or needs by ignoring them or telling them to forget it or get over it can have tremendous effects on their development as they grow into adulthood. The child will learn how to hold back their emotions and will have trouble with expressing their emotions properly to the people around them. Additionally, the child will develop problems establishing positive, healthy, and safe relationships. These children will even have trouble in school. Most times uninvolved parents try not to have any type of interaction with their child. These parents tend to keep themselves deeply involved in their work and any other activity they may feel is more important than their child. An uninvolved parent is a parenting style that can be learned from previous generations. Their parents may have also appeared to always be too busy to raise them, show them love, and affection, or give them positive influence for their life. Finally, children of uninvolved or neglectful parents have been found to be rated at the lowest level of all domains in life; physical, social, educational, and cognitive. The most positive, loving, warmest, parenting style would be the authoritative parent. Authoritative parents are more open to disciplining their misbehaving child; however their punishments are not very strict. They are more involved in their child’s life than the uninvolved parents and are not as harsh as authoritarian parents. Baumrind stated authoritative parents â€Å"monitor and impart clear standards for their children’s conduct. They are assertive, but not intrusive and restrictive. Their disciplinary methods are supportive, rather than punitive. They want their children to be assertive as well as socially responsible, and self-regulated as well as cooperative†(Baumrind, 1991). Research has shown that children who are raised by authoritative parents have higher self-esteem levels, rely more on themselves, and tend to listen more cooperatively to rules. With all of these positive influences in the child’s life they tend to be more successful in their academics and later on in life in their careers as adults. It was found that higher socioeconomic status parents are more like to display an authoritative parenting style, i. e. they are responsive to the needs of their children, and foster demands through bidirectional communication and the encouragement of independence†(Chng, no date). Authoritative parents are firm, fair, and provide continuous discipline to help their child develop proper behavior skills. These parents actively listen and consider the child’s opinions and feelings about decisions. This parent can clearly explain their expectations to their children and encourage their child to do well in all of life’s domains; such s mental, social, physical and emotional. Authoritative parents find pleasure in the child’s accomplishments. The style of parenting used by authoritative parents tends to balance the differences between authoritarian and permissive parenting styles. For example, when a parent tried to get their child obey them, no matter how the child feels or what they think about it, there times when a parent needs to step back and allow their child to make their own mistakes and do things on their own without have the parent there to interfere. In all, children that are raised by authoritative parents have more freedom to explore and be and find themselves, while receiving the love, affection, and support that they need to have a successful while have certain boundaries that have been set by their parent. Parenting styles can determine how a child will develop in the major areas of their life. After researching and learning the major impact that the four parenting styles have on a child’s development it has been shown that the authoritative parenting style has the most productive and positive effects on children. Authoritative parents instill proper amount of love, encouragement, and nourishment, while also setting the right amount of boundaries for their child. We can also evaluate that the â€Å"lack of parental involvement, poor monitoring and supervision, and harsh and inconsistent discipline, have all been established as strong predictors of antisocial outcomes in children and adolescents†(Dadds, Hawes, 2006). Authoritative parenting style can be a hard style to develop and achieve, because of culture, family size, generational background, economic status, educational level, religion and even different personalities between the parent and child. Child temperament may elicit certain parenting styles just as parenting styles may affect the relations between child temperament and behavior. It is possible that early levels of behavior problems influence parenting styles and behavior in middle childhood, which in turn influence later behavior problems†(Williams, Degnan, Perez-E dgar, Henderson, Rubin, Pine, Steinberg, Fox, 2009). It is important for parents to find a healthy parenting style that will positively produce a healthy, loving, happy child.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Children of Wealth In Your Warm Nursery
This poem is a Patriarchal sonnet that consists of two stanzas- the first one is an octet in which the thesis is explained and the second one is a sestet in which a solution for the thesis is explained. The poem is about the children in rich families that are overprotected and lead luxurious and extravagant lives. The comfort that they get isn't as good for them as it seems but plays a part in making them ignorant and making them unprepared to face whatever calamities that may befall them. The poem which has a sober and didactic tone is written in second person narrative so that the message has a greater impact on the reader and the reader feels like he's been addressed directly. The poem begins with the children of wealth being addressed in their warm and comfy homes directly as in the first line of the poem which is also the title of the poem as in every sonnet. The children are seated in a warm place on â€Å"cushioned windows†which tells us that they are provided with so much comfort that even their window seated are cushioned .from the beginning we see that the poet exaggerates their riches. They are watching the snow falling that's falling continuously outside sitting from their windows as in the line â€Å"set in the window seat to watch the volleying snow guarded invisibly†. There are two images formed here- one is of the comfortable and warm room in which the children are seated and the second image is of the cold and chilly and harsh winter outside. The only barrier between the two is the clear window referred to as an invisible guard because you cant see it. It doesn't let any pain reach the children as in the line ‘by the clear double pane through which no touch untimely penetrates†. The children don't know what winter is because they have never felt it, just seen it and heard it. Winter is not something which is known just by seeing .. it has to be felt. In the same way, they [the children] have never experienced the hardships that some people face in this world. They have just heard about them. The pun pane describes the window and tells us that no pain can reach the children. If the window would have been single paned the children would still be able to feel the cold air that would seep in. thus we see that winter and â€Å"cold†symbolize harsh realities of the outside world. The glass does indeed keep the children away and well protected from the harsh winter but it also keeps them away from the pains of winter and makes them ignorant which can be painful for them. Their citadel keeps them away from feeling and knowledge which is essential for the survival of human beings in the world as in the line â€Å"your citadel is safe from feeling and from knowledge too†. In the second stanza the poet says that the only way these kids can get rid of their ignorance is if they are exposed to the harsh realities in the world from which they are kept away. In the line †go down go out to elemental wrong†, the poet says that these children should be made to go out and seek the worldly problems out and solve them. The children of wealth are visualized as fair and round so the poet tells them to shed their weight by working hard as in the line â€Å"waste you two round limbs , tan your skin too white†. The poet also says that they should tan their skin which is too white that it looks pale and gives a feeling of something that's decaying by exposing it to the sun. the word â€Å"too†makes it negative. So, the poet is urging them in using a tone with urgency to seek the outside world and face its difficulties so that they may be able to shed their ignorance. The second stanza shows the glass as not only a barrier that provides protection but also a dangerous object that is being identified with ignorance as in the line â€Å"the glass of comfort, ignorance seems strong†. In the next lines the poet warns them that of a possibility of a fire starting in their houses as in the line â€Å"today and yet perhaps this very night you'll wake to horrors wrecking fire your home is wired within for this in every room . The word â€Å"yet†in this line gives an effective warning sound. And if something like that does happen they wont be able to protect themselves and how ever will they escape? Their only way will be out of the window which unfortunately won't give way too easily because it's double paned. In the same way they won't be able to survive in the outside world because of their ignorance which is symbolized by glass. The poem ends with a very clear warning to the children of wealth making it clear that unless they don't seek and expose themselves to reality and experience the difficulties of this world they are going to be vulnerable to this worlds dangers.
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