Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Film Glory By Edward Zwick - 1200 Words
Neiel Edmonds Professor Jackson 1 Dec 2014 African American History Glory Essay The film Glory by Edward Zwick is one of the most well-known films of all time. The film itself is solely based upon the first formal unit of the Union Army during the American Civil War which consist of all African American men. They were essentially the very first unit of United States Colored Troops. They were formally known for their courageous attempts to and actions at Fort Wagner in 1863. The film is set in many different locations such as New York, Maryland, South Carolina and Massachusetts. In each of these different locations events took place that shaped our history. For example on November twenty seventh of 1862 Robert Shaw started to train soldiers. July eighteenth 1863 the Colonel Shaw and his troops attempted to take Fort Wagner, which didn’t succeed. The film has many characters that actually made a difference in history. Four major characters were Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, Pvt. Trip, Sgt. Maj. John Rawlins and Cpl. Thomas Searles. Colonel Shaw served as the Commander of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. He also serves as great leader to his troops. Pvt. Trip was a soldier of the 54th Regiment. Seen to other soldiers as a smart mouth trouble maker because of his background. Sgt. Maj. John Rawlins started as a grave digger for wars then moved up to a non-commissioned officer. After volunteering for the 54th regiment he was promoted by Major Cabot Forbes. He had toShow MoreRelatedThe 1989 Film Glory, Directed by Edward Zwick Essay801 Words  | 4 PagesAmerica because they wanted to have slaves so they work do the work for them. By Abraham Lincoln being president, new law of not having slaves, and seven states seceding, the Civil War begun between the north and the south. The 1989 film Glory, directed by Edward Zwick, is a classic Civil War based on the history of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment, which is for former slaves and free black men. Colonel Robert Shaw headed the Regiment, Major Forbes was his assistant, and they worked togetherRead More Edward Zwicks Film, Glory Essay1353 Words  | 6 PagesEdward Zwicks Film, Glory â€Å"Glory†, the excellent war film about the first black regime, showed how a group of black men who first found bitterness between each other, rose above it and became one to form a group of black men that marched with pride not animosity. When dealing with a great film that involves African Americans, the roles have to be filled by strong black actors. Edward Zwick falls nothing short of this. The two black roles are filled by Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman. ThisRead MoreConflict In Animal Farm883 Words  | 4 Pagesaspects of conflict so that that the responder gains a wider understanding of the overall effects on humanity. George Orwell’s allegorical novella Animal Farm portrays how power has the potential to provoke social conflict. On the contrary, Edward Zwick’s film Glory reveals how ones relationships can be strengthened through conflict. When individuals in power are corrupted by the greed associated with their position, inequalities inevitably arise within society. The abuse of power by individualsRead MoreEssay on Glory, by Edward Zwick 1248 Words  | 5 Pagesdisaster. The film Glory is no exception to this attempt at maintaining an equilibrium of fact and fiction. There are numerous mistakes in the film, and graded on this fact alone the film deserves at best a â€Å"C.†Directed by Edward Zwick and starring Matthew Broderick, Denzel Washington, Cary Elwes, and Morgan Freeman, Glory was released to theaters in 1989. It received wide critical acclaim and garnered various award nominations, including several Academy Award nominations and wins. The film recountsRead More Ed Zwick’s Glory - An Exemplary Model for Historical Films Essay example2155 Words  | 9 PagesZwick’s Glory - An Exemplary Model for Historical Films â€Å"History, I am convinced, is not just something to be left to the historians.†- Warren Susman [1] From a critic’s point of view, what is there not to scrutinize when a white, Jewish filmmaker is responsible for a historical film about African-Americans during the Civil War? One which happens to have a brave young Boston Brahmin as the supposed leader of a colored battalion? Surely he does not have the license to create a film basedRead MoreExamples Of Conflict In Animal Farm1319 Words  | 6 PagesRussian Revolution and demonstrates that the desire for power corrupts the human condition, leading to the deterioration of society. It also exhibits that the abuse of language is instrumental in manipulating the ignorant to gain power. Edward Zwick’s movie Glory provides an insight into the story behind a group of persecuted African-American men, who show determination to be permitted to fight for their country. It demonstrates that relationships allow individuals to overcome their inner conflictsRead MoreHistory vs. Hollywood: Glory1633 Words  | 7 PagesGlo ry: Hollywood vs. History Glory is a movie about the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, one of the first official all black units in the United States during the Civil War. It’s an inspirational story of how a young Union soldier, Robert Gould Shaw, is offered the chance to lead an army unit that will change not only his life, but the lives of many other Americans. Glory does a great job of capturing many of the feelings towards the black soldiers during the Civil War. The film is based offRead MoreThe Civil War in the Film Glory Essay832 Words  | 4 Pagesthe most horrific times in our nation’s history, yet it was a typical and normal thing for the people of the 19th century. The film, Glory (1989), directed by Edward Zwick, doesn’t necessarily depict the horrors of slavery, however it does show 19th century America’s attitude toward African Americans, as well as the average African American’s hunger for freedom. The film begins with its protagonist, Colonel Shaw, being found by gravedigger John Rawlins (who later becomes a soldier in the Civil War)Read MoreEssay about Hollywoods Take on the Civil War1911 Words  | 8 PagesThe film, Gone with the Wind became a cultural phenomenon after its release in 1939. The Civil War based film follows the storyline of Scarlett O’Hara. The lead heroine is dealt wit h the hardships of love as well as the destruction of her town. Set in the South, the movie stresses the community’s devotion to the confederacy. After its box office success, many historians believed that the film had a strong influence on America’s perception of the Civil War. That influence being a backing attitudeRead MoreRacism in Film Essay2717 Words  | 11 PagesRacism in Film Throughout the history of film in the United States, the depiction of race has only changed slightly. Although, the display of various races in film is pertinent to the specific time period in which the film was made, films have, for the most part, always portrayed white superiority over other races. People of color have traditionally been presented in a negative way (if presented at all) that helps to maintain the status quo where whites are at the top of the social hierarchy. A
Monday, December 16, 2019
A Fair View of Cause Essay Samples
A Fair View of Cause Essay Samples While describing a health problem such as some sort of disease, it's possible to include many results. In the 2nd instance, the thesis might be, The key effects of various difficulties with teens are the reduction in the literacy rates among the people of the usa. The research and development facilities have the ability to generate patented crops. Just take a look at the causes and effects of awful hygiene. Most folks understand how to do critical analysis. When you explore the explanations for why something happened, you have to explain what you found out to the readers. Others might point to the concept people are prepared to pay for prostitutes. One of the most typical reasons people start looking for assistance with essay writing is they realize they're running out of time. Before you commence working on cause and effect essay outline the very first thing you have to do is to pick a winning topic. Take your time to cautiously examine our cause and effect topics list till you locate a prompt that you're excited to write about. You should have your reasons, and our principal concern is that you wind up getting an excellent grade. To guarantee that you will locate a complete answer to every question, we've got a support team that's always online. The Ultimate Approach for Cause Essay Samples There are a few excellent cause and effect essay might take a type on too much to compose an alcoholic. Although some may see them as pretty complicated, they are a few of the most straightforward article ideas you are ever going to encounter. Think of original and intriguing ideas. Writing about a few superior cause and the brilliant notion to certain consequences. There are a lot of varieties of essays there in the world you can merely lose your head. Our professional writers are glad to help you with any cause and effect project that you want to get written. Within this paper, you may want to examine both the beneficial and negative consequences. The title which you choose to utilize for your paper will always determine so much about any of this, so considerably more than you may even know about. The Fight Against Cause Essay Samples It's important the top choice doesn't hamper the capacity of the student to make an intriguing piece. Interestingly many are taught just in class. Writing about the reason and effect essay topics related to the school's popularity or surviving the initial year in college could possibly be fine to grab the interest of your peers. Tell our experts what kind of homework help on the internet you want to get. Some are difficult others straightforward. With the access to corn throughout the year, animal's fee ds are always offered. When a cause to claim is submitted, the person it's directed at must subsequently file a reply to the Complaint. Furthermore, it makes us spend a whole lot more money than we normally would. Cause Essay Samples for Dummies Everyone becomes stressed to some level, but being a teenager may be the most stress-inducing time in your life. When there are certainly lots of health-related causes of insomnia, you may also discuss how pressures at school, on the job or in your social life might allow you to get rid of sleep. For instance, a student will have to answer a prompt requiring them explain just what happens to a kid's health that starts smoking cigarettes. All these factors can set you on the standard track of life if you stick to a stern lifestyle to cope with your depression. The Good, the Bad and Cause Essay Samples In addition, interaction was revolutionized. At the exact same time, detecting cause and effect relationships isn't that easy in rega rds to the selection of an excellent cause and effect essay topic. The usage of censorship on the net and the likely consequences. The psychological consequences of qualified sport. You may use the samples as a foundation for working out how to write in the right style. You might also get in touch with your writer to supply some additional recommendations or request information regarding the order's progress. Make certain you have enough data which you may use as an effective evidence. The student is to experience a great deal of information to underline the key arguments for his paper. Things You Should Know About Cause Essay Samples Nowadays it's quite hard to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the bulk of our clients require is essay writing. Following that, it's possible to recommend specific therapy. Understanding how to compose an essay introduction for university will enhance your writing and communication abilities. Students aren't supposed to learn to compose a cause and effect essay alone. Have a look at the list of the most fascinating cause and effect essay topics available to create your essay stick out! This sample essay will be somewhat valuable for medical science students that are often assigned different kinds of essays.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Home Burial Essay Example For Students
Home Burial Essay Robert Frosts Home Burial is a narrative poem that speaks of lifes tragedies. Robert Frosts writing style is very straight-forward and direct. In Home Burial the setting appears to be the background of a tragedy that centers around the death of a child. It is important for the reader to recognize that Home Burial was pubished in 1914. That gives the reader a better insight to understand the husbands reaction to the death of the child. During this time period Society dictated that men should not show their true feelings. Therefore, men tended to have dealt with conflicts by working hard and being domineering. Home Burial demonstrates how one tragedy can cause another to occur. There are three different tragedies that transpire throughout this poem. The first tragedy is the burial of the child. The second tragedy is the burial of the marriage. Finally, the most symbolic and ironic tragedy is the burial of the home. Because of unfortunate circumstances the three things closely associate d with this home becomes buried. All of these tragedies occurred as a result of the childs burial. This couples marriage could not survive such an emotional loss. Therefore the marriage becomes buried. When the marriage became buried the home became its own burial spot for this familys life. Home Burial tells a tale of tragedy in one familys life. Robert Frost portrayed a very realistic chain reaction to tragedy in Home Burial Bibliography:
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Southwest Airlines research paper free essay sample
Southwest Airlines, since the beginning has struggle and fight to get in the airline business. Starting with Dallas, Texas. Southwest had to fight to stay at Love field airport, when all the airlines moved to the new Airport of Dallas-Fort worth International airport. Winning this battle gave Southwest the opportunity to get all the customers they wanted, from the near downtown airport, instead of driving 15 miles for the new airport, pay for expensive parking and having to arrive one hour earlier. However the other airlines did not like it, like American Airlines and Braniff International. They would have to pay higher fees for use of the new airport and Southwest Airline did not. The other great battle was when Southwest applied to fly from Houston to New Orleans, the application of Southwest Airlines was opposed by local government and by the airlines that flew that route and were operating from the new airport of Dallas-Fort worth, DFW, they felt this could divert customer that could change flying from Houston better than DFW . We will write a custom essay sample on Southwest Airlines research paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Jim Wright who was Forth Worth Congressmen was ask by Southwest opponents to help, and as he was a majority of the U. S. House of Representatives, Wright took it to Washington and a new law emerged. The Wright Amendment of 1979 said that â€Å"No airline may provide nonstop or through-plane service from Dallas Love Field to any city in any state except for location in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico. †(Thompson, A Gamble, J. (2010). Southwest could only advertise flights out of Dallas Love Field to these five states. The Wright Amendment continue for 18 years, then in 1997 three more states were added to the â€Å"Wright Zone†Alabama, Mississippi and Kansas , and in 2005 Missouri. On 2006 Congress legislation was passed and signed into law that repealed the Wright Amendment beginning in 2014. â€Å"The legal regulatory and competitive battles that Southwest fought in its early years produced a strong esprit de corps among Southwest personnel and a drive to survive and proper despite the odds. †â€Å"They have the warrior mentality, they are here in the airline business to stay and will fight for their share of the market†. (Thompson, A Gamble, J. (2010) The idea of having ticketless help the airline to saved money on paper and accounting for all these tickets. And the idea came from one of the employees. Southwest Airlines places their employees before the customers, this idea has given Southwest Airlines and advantage in customer service that other airlines do not have. In this company the employees feel free to come with ideas and implemented them, if the ideas do not work they will not be reprimand or fired, the failure will be used as example and experience. That gives the employees empowerment and the courage to keep looking for new ideas to improve the service and the company. Herb Kelleher has been an important figure in the culture of Southwest Airlines, with his background; majored in philosophy and law graduating with honors on both. Herb, as everybody called him in Southwest Airlines has given this company a unique culture, where the employees sing and dance with the customers and they give friendship and love more than just customer service. This style has worked for more than 40 years, the airline is love by their customer, who do not really care that there is no first class or preferred seating. They just want the good service and to be transported from point to point safe, on time and with a better price. Even their stock name reflects love. NYSE LUV is Southwest financial name. (Thompson, A Gamble, J. (2010) Southwest Strategic planning for the future, and buying fuel in advance for their planes, gave them the opportunity to save millions of dollars. Southwest was the first airline to negotiate these prices with the oil companies. Southwest Airlines has its own school for flight attendants and training for employees, there is no other University that can train them with the special Southwest Airline Culture. Other airlines have the training schools too, what happen is that the culture is different. Other airlines like United trained the flight attendants for First Class and Business class, besides economy, their training takes longer and their uniforms are more expensive. Southwest uniforms are less expensive and they only have one class, economy. Their flight attendants are also trained to clean the plane on turn around. Other airlines have a cleaning crew that gets into the plane and clean it while the flight attendants are resting; however some airlines have adopted this plan since 9/11. This has saved Southwest salaries on each city for cleaning. Only on cities that the planes stay overnight they have a special cleaning crew that gives the plane a complete service. (Thompson, A Gamble, J. (2010) The idea of having only one type of equipment has given great savings, comparing with other airlines that have different aircrafts and need mechanics specialized on each different aircraft and to have different kinds of plane pieces of maintenance according to each plane. Southwest has all his mechanics highly trained for only one kind of aircraft and the maintenance inventory of their pieces for maintenance in their planes are all the same and this means that they do not need millions of dollars in equipment and train mechanics for each different type of aircraft. After 9/11, Southwest shines like a start as the only airline that do not lose money in 2001 or 2002 and the only airline that did not furlough any of its employees during this time that the rest of the airlines furlough about 500,000 employees among them. It was here when all the eyes of the analyst look at Southwest as the marvelous company that has been doing the right thing all the time, and that was prepared with enough cash, for any eventuality. Southwest Airlines is name in every management book as example of how to conduct an airline and what strategy they have to hold their employees and have very low turn around. Strategy which gives their passengers what they want, and also the strategy has made Southwest a profitable airline since 1973. (Thompson, A Gamble, J. (2010) Company Mission Southwest Airline’s Mission, Vision and Triple Bottom Line Commitment to Performance, People and Planet. (See Exhibit 1) â€Å"Southwest Mission is dedication to the highest quality of Customer Service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride and Company Spirit†(Southwest Airlines). For Southwest Airlines the employees come first and customer second. By having employees satisfied with their job, and treated like family, they will be able to give the best customer service with warmth, friendliness and keep all customer satisfied too. The airline has pursued low fares to make affordable travel to a majority of middle class customers. By charging low fares, and no charging extra fees on baggage, and changing tickets, the customers know exactly what they are paying without paying any extra charges. Southwest serves 72 airports in 37 states and transports 89. Million passengers annually. Southwest had a revenue of $89. 08 billion from November 2012 to November 2013. (Bureau of Transportation Statistics) Internal/External Analysis Strengths Southwest Airlines firm operating strategy has given profit for 40 years, flying from point to point instead of having a â€Å"hub†like other airlines do, has given Southwest the opportunity to utilized their hours flying for each plane more than others. With their 20 minutes turn over on each point, the airline has on the air their planes most of the time. This capacity utilization makes their cost down and has a competitive advantage over other airlines whose turnaround times were more than 30 minutes. Their bargaining power with suppliers like fuel prices paying in advance and saving millions of dollars over other airlines. Their labor efficiency and pay scales. By training their employees to perform the best and guarantee them good pay and becoming more important than customers, Southwest has economized in having fewer employees per aircraft than other airlines. Employees have in average the same salary as other airlines, employees get profit sharing plan, however they work more. In economies el scale, Southwest Airlines operates only jets Boing 737-300 with 173 planes, Boeing 737-700 with 343 and Boing 737-500 with 25 planes. Having the same kind of planes they operated with very low cost. Widespread Reach: As of the end of 2011, the company serviced 72 cities in 37 states, stretching across the entire United States, and their AirTran acquisition now extends their reach into international skies, mostly over Mexico and the Caribbean islands. Southwest announce 15 more nonstop services from Dallas Love field Airport. Online systems and software, Southwest Airlines invested in next-generation technology and software to improve its ticketless system and its back-office accounting, payroll and human resource information. Previously they have invested in its management information systems to speed data flows and upgrade its customer capabilities. In 2001 implemented new software to generate optimal crew schedules it help improve on-time performance and reduce employees in the schedule department. Southwest operating cost had been lowers than other airlines. (Thompson, A.p. C-294. 2012). Successful differentiation from other airlines is their employees culture, which is transmitted to the customers, employees give a warmth customer service, normally calling the passengers by their first name, singing and hugging and kissing. No other airline does this. †(Guenette, R. November 13, 2013) By giving the same product at a better price than other more expensive airlines, Southwest Airlines has been able to have a larger share of the market. Southwest has a reputable brand with excellent record of safety, this is a major advantage. For the first Quarter of 2013, Southwest reported earnings and revenue that exceeded Wall Street expectations (EPS: $0. 07 per share, Revenue: $4. 08 billion vs. EPS: $0. 02 per share, Revenue: 4. 07 billion). Additionally, average passenger revenue per available seat mile rose 1. 8% along with an increase in passenger traffic by 0. 3%. Keeping the strong numbers in mind from the last quarter, analysts are optimistic about Q2 2013 earnings ($0. 39 a share, up from $0. 36 during Q2 2012). (Ing, S. July 24, 2013). Weaknesses Operating Expenses: The average cost per gallon of fuel from 2005 to 2011 grew 182. 30%, the consumer is constantly demanding added services and amenities to their flights, and the unions are viscously battling for more money for their members; at the end of the day the company does not have much money left over (net profit margin is 1. 14%). Debt: The Company is estimated to possess $361 million of debt on their balance sheet, and until they pay down these debts it will drag significantly on their business. Depending on only one company as supplier for their planes can be a problem if the supplier fails or stop their production. Although Boeing is a robust company, changes can affect Southwest Airlines. The economy, even though Southwest is a low cost airline, until the economy continues low, people cannot fly unless is business or emergency. Achieving sustainable competitive advantage for Southwest is becoming harder as operating costs are going up and the company has a low net profit margin. (Guenette, R. November 13, 2013) Opportunities The industry attractiveness is a strength and an opportunity for Southwest Airlines, the only major airline that do not charge for baggage, many customer look into this as they are also attracted for the price the service, safety and excellent rate on time performance. As a complementary strategy function, Southwest Airlines acquisition of Air Tran gives them the option to fly international for the first time. This acquisition strategy strengthens competitiveness for Southwest Airlines, and gives the opportunity to enter into international markets. Customers that look at how the companies treat their customers and employees, Southwest Airlines have won awards every year for customer satisfaction and by putting their employees first and second their customers. Other airlines that treat the employees as if they were only a number are losing money every year. Example American, United Airlines and Delta Airlines. (Thompson, A Gamble, J. (2010) Threats. The culture establish by Herb Kelleher may not be followed by Gary Kelly and Southwest Executives. Another airlines that are following the pattern of Southwest Airlines, like Jet Blue and Allegiant could get a better share of the Market The airline industry is incredibly competitive, and the race to get the consumer’s business often leads to margin contraction Weather Uncertainty: As we have seen most recently with snow storms in the North east, natural disasters can cause major losses in business for the airlines, and because Mother Nature is so unpredictable, there is always major uncertainty revolving around the company When jet fuel prices rise, airline companies are faced with the decision of passing the pain onto their customers and possibly losing business, or swallowing the costs and ruining their margins The company operates mainly in the United States of America, and thus any economic slowdown exclusive to the American economy could drastically hurt Southwest’s business, while other international companies possess the ability to overcome American decline economy if internationally the economy is better. Goals and Long-term Objectives The analysis shows that Southwest Airlines should seek International market share to gain access to new customers and to spread business risk across a wider market area. Actually Southwest is solely business is within the United States, with the acquisition of Air Tran which was already flying to Mexico, and the Caribbean, Southwest Airlines attempt to fly international is one of the goals and long term objectives. The company has measures their steps into new markets after studying the market and the possibilities, Southwest Airlines will do the same with flight to international markets. Air Tran is already flying to Cancun in Mexico and Puerto Rico in the Caribbean, soon other cities could be added, like Acapulco and Puerto Vallarta in Mexico and other Islands in the Caribbean. Southwest Airlines should not follow an aggressive strategy as the economy is not strong enough. It should continue marketing in the cities where these flights are going to depart from the United States and on their international destination. Southwest Strategy of acquisition has saved the company of all the expenses and complex structure to work in a foreign market. All these procedures and permits and agreements with international governments and the IATA. (International Air Transport Association) are already done by Air Tran. Strategy Selection Southwest Airlines should use the â€Å"Think Global act Global Strategy†, as an International Airline. Southwest Airlines has a brand that is recognized International mainly by the way this company has performed during its 40 years since they start flying. Customers around the world know about their code of ethic, their mission and the way they have run the company by employees first then customers, their safety record and on time performance, and very important their low cost. Should also continue with the Ethical and Cultural Strategy that has been core of the company culture. As the social Responsibility and Corporate Citizenship Strategy. The company Social Responsibility Strategy has been example to many companies not only in the United States, but in other countries too. . (Thompson, A Gamble, J. (2010) Southwest action to enhance employees well-being, by treat them like family and putting their employees first, even before its customers, has given them the merit of recognition of one of the best companies to work for. The company has an ethical strategy and operates honorably and ethically, this was clear when Southwest Airlines was the only Airlines after 9/11 crisis, that did not furlough any of its employees. The airline showed with this example the ethic and honorability which has been their Strategy since the beginning of the company 40 years ago. (Thompson, A Gamble, J. (2010). Southwest Airlines supports several charitable causes, participates in community service activities and contributes to the overall betterment of society. (Thompson, A Gamble, J. (2010) Southwest should continue with these Strategies, as they have shown how well they work for the company, their employees, their customers and their community. These Strategies of Social responsibility and the Strategies stated before about the Vision, Mission, objectives and basic competitive Strategies. Southwest as a low-cost carrier has seen its cost base edge up over the years as it has matured and gained in scale. In response Southwest has modified its business model and has started to fly from crowded markets, such as New York’s LaGuardia . The 2011 Air Tran acquisition, the biggest in Southwest history, has accelerated the process of expansion, and has given the company a larger share in the Atlanta domestic market, and also the international destinations in the Caribbean and Mexico. (Sing, C. 2013) Recommendations/Implementation The above analysis shows that the best recommendation for Southwest is to continue opening new routes in Mexico and the Caribbean. Having already open the door with Air Tram to Cancun, it is feasible that the same permits can be used to fly to the same country. The two destinations we suggest are Acapulco and Puerto Vallarta, following with Los Cabo’s after one year. All these three cities have facilities and International Airports. The affluent of Tourists to these cities is year round. Southwest Airlines could fly these routes with 2 aircrafts. The Company has a contract with Boing for 25 planes during the next 10 years. (Southwest Airlines One Report (February 3, 2013) The persons in charge of this venture will have to be trained to handle international law and all the complex regulations that an airline has to comply, however among the employees of Air Tran; there must be the experience person or persons, needed to handle the opening of the new route. The hiring of ground personnel at the airport of the new destinations, have to be done locally, and the operation manager can be an American. Mexican Immigration Law requires that employees should be of Mexican Nationality, However the Manager can be an American with a job permit up to 2 years (Mexican Immigration Law). Marketing for these two new destinations has to be done principally on the cities that fly nonstop to the new destination. Marketing has to be done also at the new destination, to gain international market share for the airline. The company has the sufficient funds to open these two cities and start operations by next year 2015. (Annex 3) The Company has already a reservations office established and all the ground support for the International service from Air Tran.
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