Tuesday, August 25, 2020
kids on death role essays
kids on death job articles The Juvenile Justice System comprises of a pretty much incorporated system of offices, establishments, associations, and staff that procedure adolescent wrongdoers. This system is comprised of how requirement offices, investigators, and courts; amendments, probation, and parole administrations; and open and private network based treatment programs that furnish youth with different administrations. This definition is qualified by the expression pretty much coordinated, on the grounds that the idea of adolescent equity has various implications for singular states and the central government. Additionally, in certain wards, the different segments are, best case scenario approximately planned, in the event that they are facilitated by any means. Numerous criminologists and criminal equity experts express an inclination for process as opposed to framework when they allude to adolescent equity. This is on the grounds that framework parts. Besides, framework infers coordination and coordinat ion pester adolescent offices, associations, and work force in the adolescent equity framework are regularly deficient or nonexistent. Youngsters who are genuinely, mentally, or explicitly mishandled by guardians or different grown-ups in their homes are brought inside the extent of adolescent court authority. In law, adolescents are alluded to as newborn children. A lawful meaning of an adolescent reprobate is any newborn child of disgusting, or unethical direct, and needs treatment, recovery, or oversight. Applied to adolescent issues, parens patriae implies that the sovereign is accountable for, settles on choices about, or has obligation regarding all issues including adolescent direct. The basic theory of parens patriae was that the guardians are only the specialists of society in the region of childbearing, and that the state has an essential and real enthusiasm for the childhood of its kids. A portion of these measures remembered situation of youngsters for cultivate homes or their task to different work assignments for nearby traders. ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cultural Theory Essay
Culture is a fundamental segment for human turn of events. Culture can't be avoided from and its suggestions are of significance to the human life. In this examination, I will address the parts of culture as introduced in figures. A particular figure will be distinguished and very much examined in regard to its social effect on the whole human life development and advancement. It will include the commitment the social elements have and how culture is seen by man. The effect of social change in accordance with the model will be tended to. For this situation, the model in spotlight was done in 1927 and it speaks to a figure of a gliding lady. This means that the social part of sexual orientation and male closed-mindedness. It was evaluated and depicted based on its tendency, social qualities and the general significance. Sex affectability has been on the light in the present society and the figure helped with examining the setting today. So as to conceptualize this idea, let break down the figure of a skimming lady by Gaston Lachaise in 1927. Consider the figure beneath: Source: NGA, 2013 With respect to this model, the social hypothesis demonstrated that the issue of sexual orientation affectability is of much age in the general public. Male bullheadedness and the demonstration of woman's rights have ruled the public activity. As portrayed in the above model, the female sexual orientation had been of terrorizing and not generally concurred the ideal regard as social being. Uncovering the female body in this figure shows how culture had being depicting ladies as the ‘object’ merited distinctly to perform just women's activist jobs alloted by the general public. Basically, this figure has been utilized in this examination to delineate the social parts of sex uniqueness. The way of life of the general public involves aesthetic structures and practices and consequently, the figure has been displayed so as to uncover a social practice in the general public. The convictions and qualities that win in the public arena are very much spoken to. The way of life hypothesis speaks to the practices and jobs of individuals inside the general public (Anderson, 2008, p. Xv). The social hypothesis as Johnson (2009) surfaced from the mounting recognizable proof of the â€Å"ideological underpinnings of putative insightful ‘objectivity’†(p. 1). The presentation of the social hypothesis was required by a huge swing which moved culture in the general public. The investigation looks to unwind and clarify why the general public is clashing over the whole hazard coupled. In coinciding with the figure, changes that have happened to model and sign that the parts of sexual orientation and social qualities have likewise transformed from the previous convention way to deal with the present modernization approach. Basically, the way of life existent in the general public in which this figure was displayed values the various perspectives which have been tended to in social hypothesis explicitly the parts of sexual orientation and style. The model is depictive of the female sexual orientation as being progressively uninvolved in the general public in playing out the most basics jobs in the general public. This structures the premise of the convictions that individuals in the general public have with respect to the sex are a piece of the way of life of the general public (Anderson, 2008, p. Xvi). Culture hypothesis as from the development of the women's activist and quieted bunch hypothesis have been molding the thoughts that ladies ought to be looked no not exactly their male partner (Johnson 2009, p. 2). The convictions that individuals have about the female sexual orientation are all around portrayed by the posture figured by the model which sex as a relieving part of culture. Culture hypothesis accordingly traces the particular perspectives that win in the general public. They may incorporate sex, inappropriate behavior, segregation, inadequacy, and sexual torment. In spite of the fact that there is outstanding changes which have happened in the model since 1927, for instance the surface as the present figure is progressively smooth (Karen 2007, p. 25), the primary center reason for the figure has not changed at this point. There is still sexual orientation uniqueness and imbalance in the model. The progressions may have happened on the hardware and materials utilized really taking shape of the present model, however the part of male strength and haughtiness is as yet the request for the figure. The figure has being depicting some conceptualization which extend from the time this model was created. By and by, the figure presents females as aloof individuals from the general public who shouldn't contribute in the development and improvement of the general public and have the right to be bound by the guys. In this viewpoint, it is respected that a male sexual orientation must be the one liable for the significant family errands and obligations (Karen 2007, p. 30). Authority and monetary force are significantly connected with the male sexual orientation as the female sex is viewed as more family and house like individual. As Goodenough stated, â€Å"a society’s culture comprises of whatever it is one needs to know or put stock so as to work in a way worthy to its individuals. Culture is certifiably not a material marvel; it doesn't comprise of things, individuals, conduct, or feelings. It is somewhat an association of these things. It is the type of things that individuals have at the top of the priority list, their models for seeing, relating, and in any case deciphering them (1957, p. 167). The social hypothesis is of much hugeness in this figure. Individuals were socially distinguished dependent on the significance they append to specific jobs. Through culture individuals joins implications subsequently causing social clash. For example, pettiness was profoundly maintained in many networks over the globe. Woman's rights was respected in its suitability. Both female and guys appended comparative significance to the ideas that created in the psyches of the individuals (Karen, 2007, p. 5). Uncovering the female body is socially and generally saw as a sexual orientation imbalance and a demonstration of woman's rights. Moreover, the social viewpoints ought to be seen as the basic framework which is built in the psyches of the individuals and has a general impact (Keesing 1974, p. 78). The model has being the view of numerous as the sign of sexual orientation disparity and a mortification to the female sex. To sum up, figures have noteworthy jobs in improving social angles and qualities in the general public. They convey unmistakable messages over the individuals from the general public. As of now, the jobs that the female sexual orientation couldn't play a very long time back have been shared between the two sexes. Consequently, models themselves are likewise presently changing in the light they are portraying both sexual orientation sharing the center jobs which may just be viewed as masculine there previously. There is social blend and with the advancement of much sexual orientation based speculations the observation and the jobs apparent to be women's activist are dissolving. As changes have been seen in the current ‘floating woman’ design, it is in line ith the current social change as culture is dynamic. Things which were recently seen and embraced as being of sure sexual orientation just are step by step disposed of. Sexual orientation based clashes are decreasing reasonably with much crusade of sex correspondence and attestation. The present society is made out of muc h edified people and gatherings who have empowered usage of the social changes that have happened after some time, in this manner making society a substance of human public activity and one can't state that he/she doesn't feel the effect of culture.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Panic Attack Diary for Tracking Your Triggers
Panic Attack Diary for Tracking Your Triggers Panic Disorder Coping Print Panic Attack Diary for Tracking Your Triggers By Katharina Star, PhD facebook linkedin Katharina Star, PhD, is an expert on anxiety and panic disorder. Dr. Star is a professional counselor, and she is trained in creative art therapies and mindfulness. Learn about our editorial policy Katharina Star, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 27, 2020 Zero Creatives / Getty Images More in Panic Disorder Coping Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Related Conditions In This Article Table of Contents Expand Overview Topics Coping Techniques Tips View All Back To Top Dealing with panic attacks can be difficult at times. However, coping with your symptoms may be a little easier when you have a better understanding of your triggers. An anxiety and panic attack diary can be a simple, yet effective way to track your experience with panic disorder to more easily manage your symptoms.?? Overview The purpose of a panic attack diary to track your triggers, symptoms, and progress to help you more effectively cope with your condition. All you need to get started is paper, a pen, and some quiet time to write down this information. Every time you have a panic attack, try to put some time aside later that day or week to record more information about your experience. Date each entry and write down how you felt physically, emotionally and mentally, what situation you were in, and how you coped with your symptoms.?? Topics Heres important information that may be helpful to write about in your panic attack diary: Physical Feelings Panic attacks are often accompanied by many different physical symptoms that can often vary from person-to-person. Some of the most common symptoms of panic attacks include shortness of breath, excessive sweating, chest pain, shaking or trembling, and feelings of numbness or tingling sensations.?? Once your next panic attack subsides, use your panic attack diary to record all of the physical symptoms you experienced. Ask yourself how you felt physically. It may be helpful to make a column labeled “Physical†where you can list all of your symptoms. You may initially think that you only felt a few physical sensations, but as you start writing them down, you notice that more come to mind. Thoughts, Fears, and Emotions Aside from physical symptoms, panic attacks are also often accompanied by many fearful thoughts and perceptions. People with panic disorder often report feeling afraid that they are going to lose control of themselves or perhaps even go insane. Intense physical sensations can also lead a person to fear that they are having a medical emergency or possibly dying. Feelings of depersonalization and derealization, in which the person feels detached from their physical selves and their surroundings, are also common perceptions that can occur during a panic attack.?? When tracking information about your last panic attack, it is important to reflect upon the thoughts and fears you experienced at the time. Where you afraid for your physical wellbeing? Did you feel disconnected from yourself or your surroundings? Also, record how you were feeling emotionally. Where you anger, sad, confused? Try to recall all of the thoughts, fears, and other emotions you felt and jot them down in your panic attack diary. Environment and Current Life Events The place or situation in which you experienced your panic attack can provide you a lot of information about your anxiety triggers. For example, through regularly tracking your panic attacks, you may notice that they often occur when you are in specific situations or events. Some typical panic triggers may include, driving or other means of transportation, large crowds, or confined areas. Also, make note of what is currently happening in your life. Did you just go through a major life transition? Are you going through a difficult time with a friend or family member or at work? Write down any life changes and events that have been taking place. This will help you notice how a potential pattern of increased panic attacks with the onset of additional stress and recent life changes. Coping Techniques Determine how you coped with your panic attack. Perhaps you used a specific technique, such as deep breathing, visualization, or other strategies to calm yourself down during a panic attack. You may have taken a certain medication for panic disorder to relieve your panic and anxiety.?? Record all coping techniques, medications, and other exercises you utilized to help get through your panic attacks. Additionally, write down any relaxation techniques that you have been practicing throughout the week. For instance, you may be using stress management skills or other practices, such as meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, prayer, or physical exercise to help you feel less anxious. Tips Keeping a panic attack diary will require some time and effort. Try to carve out some quiet time where you can focus on writing your experiences in your diary.Your panic attack diary can be a great resource for your process towards recovery. If you are getting professional help for panic disorder, it may be helpful to share this information with your mental health provider. This information can help you and your provider understand more about your triggers and treatment progress.If you feel that writing is not convenient or effective for your needs, try using some type of recorder instead. You can record all of your panic attack information and listen back to it later to better understand what is triggering you and what is helping you.The purpose of your panic attack diary is to track and review your progress. Don’t just write down your information. Rather, spend some time looking over your past entries and determine what triggers your anxiety and what strategies helped you cope wi th your symptoms.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Process Flow For Generating Service Route - 1619 Words
Introduction The company in question is a leading environmental services provider that offers collection, processing, recycling, as well as disposal of both non-hazardous and hazardous materials for automotive and industrial clientele. Having branches across the United States, service representatives in these branches carry out service provision for customers who are geographically dispersed across their respective territories. From the As-is process, we can see that there are approximately 45,000 service orders each week across all branches; the volume of service orders per week is quite large. In order to maximize time and fuel efficiency, and also reduce the cost of†¦show more content†¦Improve the process of estimating route feasibility by reducing the number of changes to the finalized route by at least 20 percent. 2. Improve estimates of speed and distance for service routes by at least 20 percent. However, the metrics for these two goals were not standard or measurable. In addition, in the define phase, the company did not collect and analyze customer opinions and preferences, despite one of the deep purpose of the project being to improve customer satisfaction. As such there is little evidence to prove whether the project goals were in line with user requirements or not. Besides, after the team set up the project goals, an in-frame/out-of-frame analysis was established to manage the scope o f the project from the information technical (IT) and branch operations perspective. This was done to establish what was within direct control of the team and what was not. However, from a business perspective, they did not have a clear and reachable plan for the project time period, and no actual timeline for the entire process. It is unusual to not show a business flow following a timeline or give a specific plan for accomplishing of the project goals. Based on this, the project team gets a low grade for the first criteria. Application of Six Sigma Tools In the Six Sigma application, one of the most important segments is using the tools and techniques correctly and properly. In the define phase, the company defined theShow MoreRelatedLiepers Model1593 Words  | 7 Pagesdefining the tourist and its classification turns out to be equally relevant. (2) Geographical Elements: Leiper describes three main geographical elements in his system’s model. These are: (i) Traveller-generating region (ii) Tourist destination region (iii) Transit route region The traveller-generating region (TGR) exemplifies the area breeding markets for tourism, and practically acts as the ‘push’ force to motivate and stimulate i.e., set off and encourage travel. It is this region where the touristRead More407 Homework 1983 Words  | 4 Pagesbillion through 2010 to upgrade process control systems and maintenance procedures at its Texas City refinery, where an explosion in 2005 killed 15 and injured 170. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Success Of Steve Wokniak Company Essay - 1755 Words
Steve Wokniak founded Apple Incorporated in 1976 along with the now deceased Steve Jobs. Both Steve’s were college dropouts. Two months after creating their first circuit board they had 200 orders of them. 1970 is also the year that they released the iconic Apple I from their the grew like wild fire. Releasing multiple different versions and new styles that many people loved. Wozniak was the â€Å"technical genius†while Jobs was the out side the box thinker that came up with all of the crazy ideas that some how worked. The year after Apple was incorporated they released the widely recognized Apple II which ‘sold more than 100,000 units†(Michael). With the increased â€Å"sales jumped from $7.8 million in 1978 to $117 million in 1980†(Apple Inc.) this was the big start the Apple was looking for, offering public stocks in 1980. The success did not always flow for the young company, after the release of the Macintosh computer (Mac) the company was hit hard with 17% income loss in 1984(Michael). Though after a couple of rough years the Mac really took off and hard great years after it. â€Å"Steve Jobs one of the founding members resigned as chairman in 1985, saying ‘I’ve been thinking a lot, and its time for e to get on with my life.’†(News Staff) Jobs started the NeXT Computer company with the money the got by selling his Apple stocks. A company that apple would later merge with. In the early 1990’s apple controlled 60% and 80% of market share (Michael). Sales took a dip again in 1995
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hamlet’s 4th Soliloquy Analyze Free Essays
Hamlet’s 4th soliloquy analyze â€Å"To be or not to be†can arguably be Shakespeare’s most recognizable quote in all of his work. Hamlet attempts to reason with himself on whether or not death is the only solution to end all life suffering portrays him as both confused and cowardly. In this monologue, Hamlet goes into a tough debate over whether he should end his own suffering by commit suicide, or to step it up and revenge for his father. We will write a custom essay sample on Hamlet’s 4th Soliloquy Analyze or any similar topic only for you Order Now This solilguy also shows the reader on how Hamlet deals with stress and the lost of love one. In conclusion, he decided to live and fulfill his promise. Indication from this monologue exposed Hamlet’s flaws for lacking of action, being hesitant, and unable to settle his mind. This help lay the foundation of Hamlet’s characteristic and his reasons behind his actions in the later part of the play. Like many Shakespeare’s writing, it is up to the reader to decide on the characteristic of Hamlet. Many may view â€Å"to be or not to be†as Hamlet’s suicide attempt, however, it really portrays Hamlet as a stressed out young man that can not deal with his surrounding. Hamlet position himself between the two extremes with life and death by questioning himself on â€Å"†Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them†. He asked himself if it is â€Å"nobler†to commit suicide, but quickly goes against his early statement by saying actions requires â€Å"arms against a sea of troubles†. This shows that Hamlet is puzzled with himself on whether he should end his â€Å"sea of troubles†by means of death, or to suffer through the pain of living. As Hamlet thinks towards death and ending all life stress, he quoted: â€Å"To die-to sleep, No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to :’to consummation devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep; To sleep, perchance to dream†. Hamlet wishes if he was dead, he will no longer have to suffer through his â€Å"heart-ache†and â€Å"thousand natural shocks†. The monologue continues as Hamlet debate on his decisions. Finally, Hamlet points out the reason why he choice to live instead of death. He choice to live because â€Å"the dread of something after death, The undiscover’d country from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will†. In other words, Hamlet unwilling to commit suicide is because he does not know what lies after death and it was against his religious believe. Ironically, through out the soliloquy, the reader can conclude from Hamlet’s sorrow and depression that he himself knows his weakness in thinking too much on his revenge and yet Hamlet does not react or even tries to. It has been weeks before Hamlet’s promises towards his father on revenge to kill Cladius, but once again, we see Hamlet is confused as ever. He then quotes: â€Å"Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action†. This further fortifies the above statement for stating himself for being cowardly and did not take action when he had the chance. It seems that Hamlet needs to list out every possible outcome of his action before processing it. Hamlet is helpless of his own lack of confidence and this will lead to his ultimate doom. This important soliloquy exposed the flaws of Hamlet’s character and it shows Hamlet’s self conflict and his possible solutions in taking action. This is the main point of the play as it signifies a development in Hamlet’s thought and his readiness in finally starting to act. It also shows Hamlet’s approach on the question of life and death and how he compares both of them by over examine each and every possible outcome. This soliloquy also shows Hamlet’s puzzlement, lack of action and his overall cowardly behavior. We knows that Hamlet’s unwilling to commit suicide is because he wants revenge, but the more important question is whether revenge is truly keeping him alive, or that he is just too cowardly to face the mystery after death. How to cite Hamlet’s 4th Soliloquy Analyze, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
International Marketing Wesfarmers Limited
Question: Discuss about the International Marketing Wesfarmers Limited. Answer: Introduction Wesfarmers Limited is one of the major diversified corporations of Australia with several international business operations. The company was established in the year of 1914 and from then, Wesfarmers has become the largest corporation in Australia (Wesfarmers.com.au 2017). The diversified business operations of Wesfarmers include supermarket, liquor, hotel, convenience stores, office supplies, home improvements, departmental stores, energy, fertilizers, and many others. According to the current marketing situation of the company, Wesfarmers can be described as a competitive organization. The major marketing goal of the organization is to deliver high quality of products to its customers in order to satisfy the needs of the customers. Various business processes of Wesfarmers include production, distribution, sales, marketing and various customer services. It can be seen that there are four stages of the life cycle of the various products of Wesfarmers; these stages are introduction of the product, growth of the product, maturity of the product and decline of the product (Wesfarmers.com.au 2017). SWOT Analysis of Wesfarmers The SWOT analysis of Wesfarmers is shown below: STRENGTHS One of the major strengths of Wesfarmers is huge business experience in the Australian market. The company has been doing business in more than 18 decades. This huge experience can be used to make international ventures. Reasonable and affordable price of the various products is another key strength of Wesfarmers. This could be an effective strategy to establish international business (Cheng, Green and Ko 2014). The good reputation and brand name is another major strength of Wesfarmers. With the help of these two, the company has been able to develop a strong customer base (Murray 2013). The directors and managers of Wesfarmers have effective business skills in different areas of the business. In order to expand internationally, the skills and knowledge of the directors and managers are the major tools. WEAKNESSES Lack of technological presence can be seen in different business aspects of Wesfarmers. This can be considered as a major weakness of the company. It can be seen that there is a lack of mutual bond of Wesfarmers with the economy of Australia. When time comes, it can be a major weakness of the company. OPPORTUNITIES The good economic condition of Australia has increased the disposal income of the people of Australia. This creates business opportunities for Wesfarmers as the company can increase the revenue and profitability of the company by fulfilling the demand of the customers. Wesfarmers has the opportunity to develop the core competencies of the organization for the presence of immense competition in this industry. With the help of experienced and skillful team of management, Wesfarmers has the opportunity to expand its business worldwide. THREATS The continuous increase in the number of competitors is a major threat for Wesfarmers as it is hampering the business opportunities of the company. The negative effect of the world economic recession on the business operations of Wesfarmers is a major threat for the company (Ball 2014). To comply with different kinds of international rules and regulations at the time of international business is another major threat for the company. Table 1: SWOT Analysis of Wesfarmers (Source: as created by Author) Analysis of Customer Market, Position and Segmentation Wesfarmers takes their customers very seriously as the company ensure proper customer engagement in every level of business. It can be seen that every section of the business of Wesfarmers communicates with their customers in the best possible way. All the businesses of Wesfarmers have well developed communication mechanism in order to communicate with the customers of the organization. Wesfarmers is always quick to solve the problems of the customers (Wood 2012). Wesfarmers have taken some of the major strategies in order to position themselves in the market. With the help of strong customers loyalty and brand trust, Wesfarmers has been able to well position themselves in the market. Another important strategy in this regard is to create, leverage and respond the latest product trends in the market (wesfarmers.com.au 2017). Wesfarmers has the ability to exploit every opportunity in the market. These are the major positioning strategy of Wesfarmers. Looking at the different kinds of products of Wesfarmers, it can be understood that people from all segments irrespective of their age, sex and income are the major customers of Wesfarmers. Recommended Country Based on the above analysis of different business aspects of Wesfarmers, it is recommended that Singapore will be the suitable country for Wesfarmers to launch its different kinds of products. The reasons are discussed below. Recommendations Various reasons lead to the selection of Singapore as the suitable country for the international business of Wesfarmers. Four major factors in this case are product, price, place and promotion. In case of product, the kinds of product Wesfarmers produce have a great demand in Singapore like departmental store, food products and others. In case of price strategy, the political and regulatory condition of the host country is great influencers. The political condition of Singapore is stable and it suits the international business. In addition, the regulatory framework of Singapore is suitable to the international businesses. The developing economy of Singapore has a lot of demand. Hence, Singapore is the perfect place for Wesfarmers (Zikmund et al. 2013). Almost every kind of promotional activities are available in Singapore to promote the products of Wesfarmers. Thus, based on the above discussion, it can be understood that Singapore is the most suitable place top launch the products o f Wesfarmers. Conclusion The main aim of the report was to explore the international business opportunities of the Australian company, Wesfarmers. From the above discussion, it can be seen that experience and affordable price are the major strengths of Wesfarmers. On the other hand, the presence of many competitors and the impact of world economic recession are the major threats of Wesfarmers. After that, the name of Singapore is recommended as the host international country for Wesfarmers. The main reason is that the political and regulatory condition of the country is well suitable for the businesses of Wesfarmers. References Ball, L.M., 2014.Long-term damage from the Great Recession in OECD countries(No. w20185). National Bureau of Economic Research. Cheng, M.M., Green, W.J. and Ko, J.C.W., 2014. The impact of strategic relevance and assurance of sustainability indicators on investors' decisions.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,34(1), pp.131-162. Murray, B., 2013. Culture Is the Brand: Making Your Company's Culture the Essence of Your Brand.Effective Executive,16(4), p.11. Wesfarmers.com.au. (2017).2016 Strategy Briefing Day. [online] Available at: https://www.wesfarmers.com.au/docs/default-source/asx-announcements/2016-strategy-briefing-day-presentation.pdf?sfvrsn=0 [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017]. Wesfarmers.com.au. (2017).The Wesfarmers Way. [online] Available at: https://www.wesfarmers.com.au/who-we-are/the-wesfarmers-way [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017]. Wesfarmers.com.au. (2017).Who we are. [online] Available at: https://www.wesfarmers.com.au/who-we-are/who-we-are [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017]. Wood, T., 2012. Putting the customer back in front. Zikmund, W.G., Babin, B.J., Carr, J.C. and Griffin, M., 2013.Business research methods. Cengage Learning
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Native People In Modern Society Essays - Bob, King,
Native People in Modern Society On Thursday February 4, 1992 I went to Native People Center of Toronto. My assignment was to interview a Native person and find out how Native people live in modern society and is there any professionals among them. That was my first time in Native People Center and to tell You the truth I was kind of surprised to see that old building and that cafeteria inside where the Native people who live on the street (or at least they looked like they just came from there) can have a cup of coffee. There were also a couple of showrooms with paintings and a secretary behind the front desk. I tried to talk to the secretary and ask if she could give me any hint how to find the right person because I really didn't feel like talking to the people in the cafeteria (that would not help my assignment in any way). The secretary first said that there's nobody in the center who could help me because all of the staff is very busy and I would have to make an appointment. When I asked her for the appointment she said that nobody takes care of interviews in the center. Well I was lucky there was another woman passing by and I asked her for help. That lady's name is Fran Longboat and as found out later she is a pretty well known person in the whole Toronto Native community. Fran said that there are quite many Native professionals in the city and she tried to call a Native lawyer to make an appointment for me but the person wasn't there. Then I finally got a business card of a person to interview, guess who? -- A cop! OK I went down to 40 College street and asked for Bob Crawford. Bob met me very gladly and said that I came in the right moment because he had nothing important to do and he agreed to give me an interview. We decided to go to the cafeteria located in the same building and have a cup of coffee. I didn't have a tape recorder on me and had to write the main points down so I can't provide the exact words of Bob but I'll try to do my best. My first few questions were about Bob's past. He is an Algonquin from Goldenlake. Bob spent his childhood in Pembroke, Ontario. Bob has never been in a reserve. At 16 years of age he started to live separate from his parents. He has been 24 years on the force and did all kinds of police work, he was even working as an undercover cop for 10 years. Since 1989 Bob is working at 40 College and he is the head of Native Liaison department. This department is taking care of education of police officers and also other people like TTC workers, Bank workers, School staff, Students how to interfere with Native people. Bob also is a kind of chancellor for Native people who get in trouble and helps them to return to normal life. Mr. Crawford is married on an Irish person and has two daughters. On my question if Bob knows many professional Native people, he said that he does and gave me an example of John Kimbell who is the first Native orchestra conductor he also said that there are 35 Native police officers on force right now. Bob said that there are not too many people who are educated and have a job among Natives and most of them who come to the city end up on the streets. Bob said that this happens because it is very difficult for them to live a normal life. Many of them were taught in white schools that Indians are bad and they forgot their culture. It is very hard to believe that you can reach something when everyone has a definite stereotype for you, a stereotype of a man on the street. These people don't have a culture, traditions, their lives are broken. Native culture is playing a very big role in Bob's life. He strongly keeps all the Traditions. And believes in them. Even one of his doughters who is half Native keeps the same religion. He told me a true story that happened to him last year. Bob had a cancer and his life was in a real danger. But before he went for the operation he visited his relatives in the
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Aristotle Goverment essays
Aristotle Goverment essays In our fast paced technologically advanced society today, our governments have evolved into supposedly well oiled machines effectively managing budgets, jails, militaries, as well as many other programs. Unfortunately, many of these governments are not as well organized, as they could be. Democratic countries like France, Germany, and even the United States have some very serious shortcomings to the way their governments are managed. These problems occur, many times at a very basic level, rather than at the minor details. One problem that is consistent with many countries is the maintenance of governmental programs over large geographical areas. Many times geographic or social differences within countries are what cause these problems. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle had simple, yet ingenious ways to deal with problems, precisely like these. Aristotle solved this problem, for example, by dividing the country into both geographic and social regions. Then he would have smaller governments for each of these sections. These divisions were similar to states or provinces in some modern countries today. Aristotle's ideas, in general, on governmental politics were revolutionary in Athens, when he wrote them and some could even have positive effects on governments today. Modern governments, such as Germany, France, and the United States could all use Aristotle's ideas to make their own governments run much more efficiently. Aristotle even had plans to minimize corruption, a big problem in most governments today. If modern democratic countries based their political philosophies more on Aristotle's theories, they could run smoother and do a better job of supporting the people, which is what democracies were The polis is a partnership of citizens in a system of government that serves to achieve the common good. It is not just a place where people live ...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Social research methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Social research methods - Essay Example A â€Å"survey†can be anything from a short paper-and-pencil feedback form to an intensive one-on-one in-depth interview (Firebaugh, 2008). From the foregoing explanation, it becomes necessary to explain the reasons behind the selection of the survey design used in this exploration. Firstly, social research aims at finding social patterns of regularity in social life and usually deals with social groups (Halsey, 2004) but not with individuals per se. Since this exploration is social in nature, it was necessary for the researcher to conduct the said study using a survey. This report presents the conduction of a social research using a questionnaire to collect views on â€Å"racism in UK†. The author has divided the report into various sections discussed hereunder. Background to the study area Racism is an ideology that preaches the inferiority of one race to another. It justifies discrimination and in its extreme form, violence towards and murder of people because of th eir skin colour. Bowling and Phillips (2002) believe that these ideas haven’t been in existence, nor are people born racist but these ideas have been created and spread for specific purposes and in a conscious way. Racism is used by those who wish to sustain this oppressive society in order to divide and rule the working class. It is the views of proponents of peace to continually oppose all forms of racism and unite people from all walks of life in the fight against the real enemy of racism (Adamson and Cole, 2006; Chau and Yu, 2001). Based on this revelation, the current author fully commends the sensitization of members of pressure groups to join hands in the fight against racism. Some facts about racism have been laid bare in the face of the world by a number of earlier studies in this area. Cole (2008) for instance claims that racism comes in a number of ways; whether through name calling, bullying or even actual physical attacks. Whichever form it takes, racism eventual ly tears away the social fabric that holds communities together (Garland and Rowe, 2001). As pointed out in a report by Cole (2008), racism cannot be tackled merely as a moral issue but as a multiplicity of concerns. Racist arguments are found to provide powerful explanations for the poverty and unemployment that many young people face in UK. These and many other lies and misconceptions about racism including the immigrants’ perceived responsibility for crime and the lack of jobs and decent housing for UK nationals forms the basis of this report. Similarly, many insinuations to the fact that immigrants have come to UK and taken plump jobs from the indigenous people have been branded ‘a racist lie’ (Bowling and Phillips, 2002). In fact, racist groups are reported to having claimed that it is possible to get rid of unemployment by stopping immigration and ‘sending foreigners back where they came from’ (Adamson and Cole, 2006; Cole, 2008). This opinion is negated by the fact that about 8.1% of the working population of UK is officially unemployed; only 5% of the total population is composed of immigrants (Chau and Yu, 2001). In the views of the current author, these insinuations are found to be very retrogressive and help fan the racism fire, a fact that must be fought at all cost. It is the essence of this report therefore to come up with
Monday, February 3, 2020
Need to write my biography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Need to write my biography - Essay Example I enjoy travelling and camping – reveling in the sheer beauty and serenity of nature while sampling the diversity of people and cultures from across the expanse of the globe. Anyone close to me can attest that I was indeed born to become a nurse, and a dedicated one at it. Being a highly motivated and inspired individual, I am one of those characters who are ever willing to help others especially those reeling in sickness. It was this desire to dedicate my life’s effort towards the sick that led me into the nobleness of nursing. My aspirations for nursing date back into my childhood and teenage years and being the focused and relentless person that I am, I have currently been in the field of medicine for over a staggering 30 years. And my ambitions do not halt there by any means. I was lucky to graduate early from high school and immediately after my graduation I dived deep into nursing classes. I am presently the supervisor in the orthopedic unit at a reputable medical center in Arlington with further plans to advance my education and obtain a bachelor’s then a master’s degree in nursing. After relocating from Rock Island to Arlington, Texas, in 1996, I have been immensely blessed with a stable family of my own, a husband and three lovely children. Presently an active member of the COGIC in Arlington, Texas, the sky is the limit for me who with all these achievements tucked safe under my belt still feels like life is yet about to take off in
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Franchising Commerce Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Franchising Commerce Essay An arrangement for a continuing relationship in which one party a franchisor provides an accredited opportunity to another party the franchisee to do business using its trade name and offers assistance in organizing, training, producing, marketing and managing a good or service in adherence to certain specifications, in return for monetary exchange. Franchising is a style of business which has a lot of different but same branches throughout the world .The franchisee usually pays a one-time franchise fee plus a percentage of sales revenue as royalty, and in turn gains instant name and recognition, tried and tested products, standard infrastructural design and interior dà ©cor, detailed techniques in running and promoting the business, training of employees and on-going help in promoting and improving the product A franchise is usually a main agreement between the franchise owners and the government. Question 1 answers : The advantages of franchising from the franchisees point of view are myriad, most important among them are: First, the franchisee can benefit from the widely recognised by the style of branding name of the franchisers around everywhere. When a franchiser is around ,it can only mean one thing that is the franchise is well known around and among people, reputed company with extensive customer base and immense brand name recognition. Brand equity is important so that the franchises can always gain the specific benefits from the main consumers awareness ,faithfulness and loyalty; on the other hand, it lessens competition during recession. The franchisee does not have to waste all the time, cost of expenditure and the effort in building up company goodwill and establish a famous brand name. A branded restaurant chain will maintain its sales and competitive power even in times of recession and huge competitivenesss will be around in the catering or cooking industry as the whole brands name is clearly widely well knowned and recognized and favoured by the people. Second, franchisee can have a lot of access to the main big kinds of business management skills which are rarely easy to get a grip on. The franchiser usually has important business skills like: production management, financial management and marketing management. This in turn, increases the possibility of success of the business. A franchisee is always populated in every part of the world as they are very well known for what so ever they do as in catering or multi level marketing and so on. The bigger the power of dependingness of the franchisor company, which definitely has the big organization globally, which has a bigger organization, proves beneficial to the franchisee company, because, the franchisor company has a proven business concept and a thriving operational profile. Like the advantages, there are many disadvantages too as can be in any form of business, however in this context the disadvantages. The disadvantages to franchising are that the franchisor will lose control over certain aspects of the job.  The franchisor will also lose hands-on involvement with the individual operations and the franchisor will also be limited by contract to the actual changes which can and may incur in the franchise units operation structure. The prerequisite to compensate the franchisee payment and it expenditure to the franchisor can be too large a sum (in some cases). The bigger and famous the brands name the larger the amount to be paid. Such Second, all the goodwill accumulated by the franchisee in the local market will be transferred to the franchisor once the franchise contract expires or terminates. Years of hard work melts in moments with the transfer. Third, the franchisee does not have much freedom in his business. It is necessary that he has to adhere to the standards, policies, procedures and functioning systems of the franchisor. Creativity in ones own business is curtailed completely. Fourth, corporate profit margin reduces because of payment of royalties and other associated levies. Many entrepreneurs think that owning and running a franchise business guarantees more revenue, profit and returns; this is not always be the case, while it may be true for the short term but long term case studies show that starting your own business will be cheaper to run and pay off better than franchising. Communication is one of the most important things between a franchiser and franchisee, when there is some sort of miscommunication the business is likely to fail. Which will end up costing the franchisee a lot of time effort and money just as it will the franchiser. Especially if the franchise is opened in a country overseas. The cost will automatically increase due to taxes imposed by respective governments. As a franchisee you will not be able to operate your business to your fancy because the franchiser will already have some sort of business plan. Even though the franchisee may be better able to handle and organise the business but because they are tied to the brand theyre representing therefore makes business operations difficult. Furthermore, if the franchisee isnt able to uphold the franchisers image and standards, it will reflect poorly on the brand itself, which will then slow business down for both the franchiser and franchisee and in addition will make future entrepreneurs think poorly of the company and will lead them to not invest in the particular franchise as well. The success of a franchise depends on both the franchisor and the franchisee, on the product and the business strategies. To run a successful franchise one has to study the market, the franchisor and the product carefully and judiciously. Question 1 conclusion : After doing my research, what I can conclude is that franchising is a great way to expand a business and spread the name of the franchiser far and wide. A lot of thought must go into owning and running a franchise and is not an easy job and it is a lot to consider. But if it is done the right way and is organised for example, if its operating system is being run smoothly, it will surely prosper . Many companies have become successful by opening their branches across the country and in some cases the world. These companies are not stopping to open their franchisors around the world because these franchisee knows very well that the market globally demands the franchisors to be around. These can only tell one thing is that franchisors are upcoming throughout the entire world and it will not stop blooming due to the fact of its importance around as all the researches shows. Question 2 : 2. Identify one franchise property in your local market. discuss about the operation of it and how this property helps to improve the economic of your area. Question 2 introduction : In this modern era of globalization, a companys operations segment is the unit that manages and supports the company. Employees take care of all of the background activities that keep a company running efficiently behind the scenes. Operations employees dont usually come in direct contact with customers and end users, though they are responsible for helping to ensure that customers ultimately receive the product or service that the company promises. The operating cycle of a business is the average period of time required for a business to make an initial outlay of cash to produce goods, sell the goods, and receive cash from customers in exchange for the goods. If a company is a reseller, then the operating cycle does not include any time for production it is simply the date from the initial cash outlay to the date of cash receipt from the customer. Companies dont arbitrarily decide an operating cycle because it reflects how in reality business transactions progress from start to finish. The operating cycle is also referred to as the cash-conversion cycle, which is the length of time that a company takes to convert its inventory purchase to sales revenue. A typical operating cycle includes the days of inventory outstanding before sales, the days of accounts receivable outstanding before cash collection, and the days of accounts payable outstanding before cash payments. The operating cycle is useful for estimating the amount of working capital that a company will need in order to maintain or grow its business. A company with an extremely short operating cycle requires less cash, and so can still grow while selling at relatively small margins. Conversely, a business may have fat margins and yet still require additional financing to grow at even a modest pace, if its operating cycle is unusually long. Question 2 answers : The following are all factors that influence the duration of the operating cycle: The extended payment terms to the company by its suppliers since the company can delay paying out cash. longer payment terms shorten the operating cycle. The order fulfilment policy, since a higher assumed initial fulfilment rate increases the amount of inventory on hand, which increases the operating cycle. The credit policy and related payment terms, since looser credit equates to a longer interval before customers pay, which extends the operating cycle. Thus, several management decisions (or negotiated issues with business partners) can impact the operating cycle of a business. McDonalds is a great example of a franchise, many people have opened this chains of fast food all over their respective countries and to bring benefits to themselves and economies in which theyve started this .Here are some of the factors of the famous fast food chain we visit frequently, McDonalds. Common Operations Units Management is one of the most important operational part of a moving business. Management is responsible most of everything. The management would handle the production duties and make various and different strategic plans for the company to follow. The marketing unit is in charge of the side of how to attract the customers towards the companies .As in example ,the marketing unit would be the people who publish stuffs about the company in newspapers and magazines. The administrative unit of the company is in charge of ordering supplies, hiring employees, and managing communication within (and outside of) the firm. If you have a secretary to run your small office, this person commonly handles all of your administrative support activities. Quality Management Employees who work in operations have various kinds of responsibilities, but the most common and the most important job to handle is the quality management. All of the operational units in the business will have to keep an eye on the quality management. This is due to the fact that if quality management is not handled properly with an oderly manner, there could be a very bad image upon the companies which in the end would be blamed on the operational units. Considerations To have a functional and well-run operations unit, the company must be structured and its foundation must be strong in order to run like a well-oiled machine. Communication to and from the various operational units of the business is key because they all work together to help generate a profit for the company. This is especially true for a very small company one cog in the wheel can jam up operations. There is usually as written operations procedure manual distributed among all the employees to clear out all the confusions. This helps a lot because then the employee doesnt need to disturb the employers for any information but just directly go through the manual. When a franchisee invests in a host country, the scale of the investment is likely to be very large and cause a lot of economic activity in whichever market it establishes itself in. Improving the balance of payments Inward investment will usually help a countrys balance of payments situation. The investment itself will be a direct flow of capital into the country and the investment is also likely to result in import substitution and export promotion. Export promotion comes due to the franchise using their production facility as a basis for exporting, while import substitution means that products previously imported may now be bought domestically. Providing employment FDI will usually result in employment benefits for the host country as most employees will be locally recruited. These benefits may be relatively greater given that governments will usually try to attract firms to areas where there is relatively high unemployment or a good labour supply. Source of tax revenue Profits of franchises will be subject to local taxes in most cases, which will provide a valuable source of revenue for the domestic government. Technology transfer Franchises will bring in the best technology and all the kinds of methods that would be new to the host country. In contrary ,by doing this method, the host country would learn a lot from all these kinds of techniques which are very valuable to them. National reputation The presence of any one of these franchises may bring out the best of the country and also improve the high status of the host country. This would be very good because all the other host countries which would see the difference, would definitely follow up with their own franchises Question 2 conclusion : Given all the information, a owning and running a franchise is a risky business as is with all business but people do so with government encouragement and because they think that running a franchise will guarantee a bigger or higher profit or income. This may not always be the case and it is often found that in the long run running an original business gives higher returns. Though all business have their pros and cons, franchising and running a franchise has with it a lot to consider and the proper decisions and actions must be taken in order for the business to succeed and prosper.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Essay Paper
Canadian Identity: A Rhetorical Analysis Essay In this essay, the articles ‘Listen to the north’ by John Ralston Saul and ‘Which ‘Native’ History? By Whom? For Whom? ’ by J. R. Miller will be analyzed, specifically looking at each authors argument and his appeal to ethos, logos and pathos. In the first article, ‘Listen to the North’, author John Ralston Saul argues that current Canadian policy when it comes to our north, and the people that reside there, is out of date and based on southern ideals that hold little bearing on the realities that face northern populations.He suggests instead that the policies and regulations should be shaped by people who know the territory and it’s needs, namely people who live there. In the second article, ‘Which ‘Native’ History? By Whom? For Whom? , Author Jim Miller discuses conventions in recording native history, focusing on an area he refers to as native-newcomer histo ry. He discusses topics such as who should be recording said history, and for whom it should be intended, as evidence in the title.Both of these articles provide arguments that appeal to ethos, logos and pathos, but it is my opinion that John Ralston Saul makes a more convincing argument to his audience in ‘Listen to the north’ than Jim Miller makes in ‘Which ‘Native’ History? By Whom? For Whom? ’. The First appeal that John Ralston Saul makes is to ethos, and while credentials such as being the president of PEN International, various awards and being a well respected professional in his field all give credit to his name, he also shows that he has first hand knowledge in the specific topic he is covering.He does this through the use of a personal anecdote about his experience in the north, as well as mentioning the several times he has travelled to the north in his later career. Considering Saul’s audience, namely readers interested in r eform of policies and practices in the north, I believe that this makes a stronger argument than Jim Miller does in his article.This would be due to the fact that Miller does not provide any indication as to his experience in the field on which he is writing, and though he dose have impressive credentials himself, including a doctorate, being a professor at the University of Saskatchewan, and having a Canadian research chair position, the lack of said mention would provide a weaker argument to his audience, consisting of people interested in or researching about methods of recording native history.The next convincing argument that John Ralston Saul makes is his appeal to logos, it makes logical sense that a person who lives and works in the north would know best what is needed for northern people. This means his argument that northern people should be instrumental in creating northern policy makes a strong logical point, and a strong argument to his audience, who will most likely be able to see the logic in this. One example he uses is the current state of military presence in the north, the rangers.He talks about the uniform given to these men and women, which consists of a hooded sweatshirt and a baseball cap. John Ralston Saul states that â€Å"You can't wear this outfit outside ten months of the year†(4), and it would make logical sense that a person who lives in the north would not choose such an outfit, as it would be too ineffective in day to day use. Miller also uses logos in his argument when he discuses the fact that native-newcomer history should be reported by both native and non-native historians.Again, this appeals to the logical side of his readers, who would be able to follow the train of thought stating that if a history involves two separate groups of people, then both sides of said history should be examined, and doing such will give you a much more complete picture of events. Where is argument falls short in contrast to ‘Liste n to the North’ is the fact that though Miller makes the logical point of the recording of said history should be shared, he does not go on to provide as strong examples to his point, where Saul does.The last appeal that was made in ‘Listen to the north’ was the appeal to pathos. The author shares a sense of how ridiculous it is that northern peoples have less of an influential role in planning policy and regulation in the north. Using the example of the snowmobiles that rangers have to urinate on to get started in the cold north, Saul portrays a sense of the almost comical nature of having persons who live far away from the real life issues and hardships form policies. The reader then feels the same way the author does, which defiantly advances his argument.Miller also makes his appeal to pathos in ‘Which ‘Native’ History? By Whom? For Whom? ’, but again, I believe that it is a less effective argument, and appeals less to the emotions o f his audience. Millers argument is more based off a feeling of ownership he tries to create in his audience, the native-newcomer history belongs to both parties, not one exclusively, this creates a feeling of entitlement, as well as a feeling of being included. At the end of the article, Miller states â€Å"Which ‘Native' history? Native-newcomer history. By whom?Any and all students who are qualified and willing to carry out its methods. For whom? All Canadians†(35). I think that this is less effective then the feeling portrayed by Saul, one of ridiculousness of the current state of affairs, since persons would more likely agree with him if they also believe the current policy is foolish, as to not look foolish themselves. While both articles make strong points using the argumentative techniques of ethos, logos and pathos, it is still my opinion that John Ralston Saul makes a stronger argument in ‘listen to the north’ than Jim Miller does in ‘Which ‘Native’ History?By Whom? For Whom? ’. Saul’s use of personal connection to the topic, a stronger logical standpoint, and a more effective use of his readers emotions means that he by far has a stronger argument than his counterpart J. R. Miller. Works Cited: Miller, Jim. â€Å"Which ‘Native' History? By Whom? For Whom. † Canadian Issues. Fall 2008 33-35. Saul, John Ralston. â€Å"Listen to the North. † Literary Review of Canada. 17. 8 (2009): 3-5. Essay Paper Canadian Identity: A Rhetorical Analysis Essay In this essay, the articles ‘Listen to the north’ by John Ralston Saul and ‘Which ‘Native’ History? By Whom? For Whom? ’ by J. R. Miller will be analyzed, specifically looking at each authors argument and his appeal to ethos, logos and pathos. In the first article, ‘Listen to the North’, author John Ralston Saul argues that current Canadian policy when it comes to our north, and the people that reside there, is out of date and based on southern ideals that hold little bearing on the realities that face northern populations.He suggests instead that the policies and regulations should be shaped by people who know the territory and it’s needs, namely people who live there. In the second article, ‘Which ‘Native’ History? By Whom? For Whom? , Author Jim Miller discuses conventions in recording native history, focusing on an area he refers to as native-newcomer histo ry. He discusses topics such as who should be recording said history, and for whom it should be intended, as evidence in the title.Both of these articles provide arguments that appeal to ethos, logos and pathos, but it is my opinion that John Ralston Saul makes a more convincing argument to his audience in ‘Listen to the north’ than Jim Miller makes in ‘Which ‘Native’ History? By Whom? For Whom? ’. The First appeal that John Ralston Saul makes is to ethos, and while credentials such as being the president of PEN International, various awards and being a well respected professional in his field all give credit to his name, he also shows that he has first hand knowledge in the specific topic he is covering.He does this through the use of a personal anecdote about his experience in the north, as well as mentioning the several times he has travelled to the north in his later career. Considering Saul’s audience, namely readers interested in r eform of policies and practices in the north, I believe that this makes a stronger argument than Jim Miller does in his article.This would be due to the fact that Miller does not provide any indication as to his experience in the field on which he is writing, and though he dose have impressive credentials himself, including a doctorate, being a professor at the University of Saskatchewan, and having a Canadian research chair position, the lack of said mention would provide a weaker argument to his audience, consisting of people interested in or researching about methods of recording native history.The next convincing argument that John Ralston Saul makes is his appeal to logos, it makes logical sense that a person who lives and works in the north would know best what is needed for northern people. This means his argument that northern people should be instrumental in creating northern policy makes a strong logical point, and a strong argument to his audience, who will most likely be able to see the logic in this. One example he uses is the current state of military presence in the north, the rangers.He talks about the uniform given to these men and women, which consists of a hooded sweatshirt and a baseball cap. John Ralston Saul states that â€Å"You can't wear this outfit outside ten months of the year†(4), and it would make logical sense that a person who lives in the north would not choose such an outfit, as it would be too ineffective in day to day use. Miller also uses logos in his argument when he discuses the fact that native-newcomer history should be reported by both native and non-native historians.Again, this appeals to the logical side of his readers, who would be able to follow the train of thought stating that if a history involves two separate groups of people, then both sides of said history should be examined, and doing such will give you a much more complete picture of events. Where is argument falls short in contrast to ‘Liste n to the North’ is the fact that though Miller makes the logical point of the recording of said history should be shared, he does not go on to provide as strong examples to his point, where Saul does.The last appeal that was made in ‘Listen to the north’ was the appeal to pathos. The author shares a sense of how ridiculous it is that northern peoples have less of an influential role in planning policy and regulation in the north. Using the example of the snowmobiles that rangers have to urinate on to get started in the cold north, Saul portrays a sense of the almost comical nature of having persons who live far away from the real life issues and hardships form policies. The reader then feels the same way the author does, which defiantly advances his argument.Miller also makes his appeal to pathos in ‘Which ‘Native’ History? By Whom? For Whom? ’, but again, I believe that it is a less effective argument, and appeals less to the emotions o f his audience. Millers argument is more based off a feeling of ownership he tries to create in his audience, the native-newcomer history belongs to both parties, not one exclusively, this creates a feeling of entitlement, as well as a feeling of being included. At the end of the article, Miller states â€Å"Which ‘Native' history? Native-newcomer history. By whom?Any and all students who are qualified and willing to carry out its methods. For whom? All Canadians†(35). I think that this is less effective then the feeling portrayed by Saul, one of ridiculousness of the current state of affairs, since persons would more likely agree with him if they also believe the current policy is foolish, as to not look foolish themselves. While both articles make strong points using the argumentative techniques of ethos, logos and pathos, it is still my opinion that John Ralston Saul makes a stronger argument in ‘listen to the north’ than Jim Miller does in ‘Which ‘Native’ History?By Whom? For Whom? ’. Saul’s use of personal connection to the topic, a stronger logical standpoint, and a more effective use of his readers emotions means that he by far has a stronger argument than his counterpart J. R. Miller. Works Cited: Miller, Jim. â€Å"Which ‘Native' History? By Whom? For Whom. † Canadian Issues. Fall 2008 33-35. Saul, John Ralston. â€Å"Listen to the North. † Literary Review of Canada. 17. 8 (2009): 3-5.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Jonathan Edwards Essay Topics at a Glance
Jonathan Edwards Essay Topics at a Glance The goal of such essays isn't to demonstrate your knowledge, yet to exhibit the important thinking and analytical skills. Greatest essay papers ought to be original and plagiarism free. Our example essay may also help you to understand how to use various style of writing. Argumentative essays are a few of the best that you can write as a student. Ultimately, now that you're prepared to work on your paper, we wish to remind you of the significance of appropriate essay structure. Instead of just immediately writing about your argumentative essay topic, you first have to think about what it is that you are likely to put back on your paper through a procedure of brainstorming and pre-writing. When writing a crucial composition, it's sensible to pick contradictive topics. You may have to decide on a suitable topic for your essay paper and you're running short of ideas. Besides general knowledge you have regarding the subject, you won't mind dedicating some opportunity to research, writing procedure, and other facets essential for the high-quality essay. In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to discover ready-made essays and use them as an example. You're guaranteed the communication essay is going to be that which you've asked for. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. There's a lot of fantastic college application essay topics that you are able to select for your paper. Since you may see, there's a multitude of different argumentative paper titles you are able to utilize. There is a variety of of essays, and every one of them is challenging in a different way. There are 3 basic kinds of essays,, and When given a choice, individuals usually do not pick the argumentative essay. The One Thing to Do for Jonathan Edwards Essay Topics As a high school student, there are numerous things which you need to do in order to prepare for law school. The intent of assigning an essay to middle school students is to make awareness and permit them to develop writing skills. Another reason is to observe how well students argue on distinct views and demonstrate understanding of the studied subject. If you are certain you desire to practice law but you've not completed your high school education, the majority of people may tell you its too early. The War Aga inst Jonathan Edwards Essay Topics You don't need to find super technical with legal argumentative essays, but make sure to do your homework on what the present laws about your favorite topic actually say. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics as you need opposing points you could counter to your own points. If you're in a college and need to compose an argumentative essay, you should pick a subject of high importance. Canadian students need to deal with the exact same problem of selecting engaging argumentative essay topics as the remainder of the world. When it has to do with writing an argumentative essay, the most crucial matter to do is to select a topic and an argument you may really get behind. It's not sufficient to settle on a topic which everybody agrees on. A great topic will allow it to be simpler to pursue the purpose of an argumentative essay, which is, evidently, the whole investigation of the problem you speak about. Picking an emotional topic is also a superb idea. Patrick Henry was also an extremely strong speaker. Examine the sermon Edward gave in addition to its importance at the opportunity to several men and women. Jonathan Edwards was a highly effective speaker. The Lost Secret of Jonathan Edwards Essay Topics Persuade the admission officers that you are really worthy for admission. At the exact same time, it also needs to be simple to research, that way you'll discover evidence to support claims you make. It's essential not just to supply the evidence to back up your position but also to refute that of your opponents. In an argumentative essay, you ought to keep in mind that you've got to choose a single side of the argument. As an issue of fact, the content of your essay is dependent on what you're likely to write about. Ultimately you need to reach a conclusion together with convincing the reader your conclusion is the most suitable one. A conclusion is, without doubt, the most essential portion of the argumentative essay as possible either support the excellent impression or destroy it entirely.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 844 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/07/29 Category Politics Essay Level High school Tags: Communism Essay Did you like this example? The book How we Survived Communism and Even Laughed is written by Slavenkia Drakulic. Based in 1990, Drakulic shares her journey about traveling to various Eastern European countries to converse with women about their lives in their communist countries. This essay will be discussing and exploring the hardships men and women had to face under their communist countries, specifically the lack of goods/products, the challenges/burdens women faced, and the authors reasoning on why she believed communism failed. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed" essay for you Create order The book discusses the authors personal experiences she has endured in a communist country, but primarily focuses on the stories of other womens personal journeys, feelings, opinions, and hardships they had to face. Throughout the book Drakulic maintains a huge dislike for her communist country. A huge problem that people had to face was the lack of goods and products they could obtain. A considerably important product Drakulic discusses in her book is the shortage of toilet paper. In the United States, we see toilet paper as a necessity, a day to day product used by the whole nation. However, the citizens of these communist countries are denied to this necessity and our forced to accommodate with what they have. In these European countries toilet paper is considered a luxury item, and if that is the case we know there is a huge problem. Drakulic states Progress in communism was marked by better and better quality toilet paper. (Drakulic 72) People were forced to use other items such as newspaper in replace of toilet paper thus revealing the way these people had to survive and be resourceful. Aside from this dire necessity women where denied the basic products they should be provided, and theref ore humiliated. Tampons and sanitary were luxury items and many did not have access to them. Ultimately leading women to a state of humiliation and feeling degraded. Alongside the lack of these necessities came along with the undesirable living situations. Drakulic goes into detail about how families were forced to live in cramped apartments with their family members and sometimes people they didnt know. Families who were lucky where the ones who had grandparents/parents whom already obtained an apartment. The outrageous price of the apartments and the lack of them made it difficult for families to move on with their new families or out of their parents home. Again, showing how limited and impossible it was for people of communist counties to explore the possibly of freedom and life on their own. The lack of privacy was another huge disadvantage for the people of communist countries. Everywhere people went, their lives were monitored from their phone calls to eating out at a restaurant. They were always being watched. Their only escape was at home. And although they wanted their own freedom, the citizens did not desire such thing because of the principles placed upon them. Overall, the lack of childrens toys, privacy, food, and apartments to the lack toilet paper, men, women, and children were denied important, normal, and crucial items and products they needed to live a healthy/normal life. It appears that in a communist country, all are said to be equal both men and women. However, though they semi- accomplished this by making it hard for women to access cosmetics and create their own sense of style, women were often degraded, humiliated and treated as less than. Cosmetics were luxury products to women and an ideal way to separate your looks from the rest. Women had a huge desire to create an identity for themselves. Women not being able to feel different led to low self-esteem and depression. Drakulic states Without a choice of cosmetics and clothes ..it wasnt at all hard to create the special kind of uniformity that comes out of an equal distribution of poverty and the neglect of peoples real needs. There was no chance for individualism †for women or men (Drakulic 23). Sexism was huge problem in communist countries, because though the government tried to create equality between the two there was question about who would do what type of work ex. house work, office work. Drakulic states What is one supposed to call hand-washing of laundry, scrubbing floors, or ironing? The answer is: just womens work (Drakulic 46). This quote shows that although equality was the goal, their standards would never be met because of deep-rooted sexism towards women. Overall women were faced with many challenges and burdens. They were denied the ability of individualism, were treated as less then, and denied the necessities a woman needs. Lastly Darkulic discusses why she believes communism has failed. A variety of reasons were believed to have caused such failure. One being the lack of consideration and support for the people. Darkulic states it failed because of distrust, because of a fear for the future. True people did collect out of povertya poverty in which the whole country is deprived, everybody is poora state of life that hardly changesbecause deep down nobody believed in a system that was continuously unable to provide for its citizens basic needs.( Drakulic 189)
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