Sunday, January 26, 2020
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Franchising Commerce Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Franchising Commerce Essay An arrangement for a continuing relationship in which one party a franchisor provides an accredited opportunity to another party the franchisee to do business using its trade name and offers assistance in organizing, training, producing, marketing and managing a good or service in adherence to certain specifications, in return for monetary exchange. Franchising is a style of business which has a lot of different but same branches throughout the world .The franchisee usually pays a one-time franchise fee plus a percentage of sales revenue as royalty, and in turn gains instant name and recognition, tried and tested products, standard infrastructural design and interior dà ©cor, detailed techniques in running and promoting the business, training of employees and on-going help in promoting and improving the product A franchise is usually a main agreement between the franchise owners and the government. Question 1 answers : The advantages of franchising from the franchisees point of view are myriad, most important among them are: First, the franchisee can benefit from the widely recognised by the style of branding name of the franchisers around everywhere. When a franchiser is around ,it can only mean one thing that is the franchise is well known around and among people, reputed company with extensive customer base and immense brand name recognition. Brand equity is important so that the franchises can always gain the specific benefits from the main consumers awareness ,faithfulness and loyalty; on the other hand, it lessens competition during recession. The franchisee does not have to waste all the time, cost of expenditure and the effort in building up company goodwill and establish a famous brand name. A branded restaurant chain will maintain its sales and competitive power even in times of recession and huge competitivenesss will be around in the catering or cooking industry as the whole brands name is clearly widely well knowned and recognized and favoured by the people. Second, franchisee can have a lot of access to the main big kinds of business management skills which are rarely easy to get a grip on. The franchiser usually has important business skills like: production management, financial management and marketing management. This in turn, increases the possibility of success of the business. A franchisee is always populated in every part of the world as they are very well known for what so ever they do as in catering or multi level marketing and so on. The bigger the power of dependingness of the franchisor company, which definitely has the big organization globally, which has a bigger organization, proves beneficial to the franchisee company, because, the franchisor company has a proven business concept and a thriving operational profile. Like the advantages, there are many disadvantages too as can be in any form of business, however in this context the disadvantages. The disadvantages to franchising are that the franchisor will lose control over certain aspects of the job.  The franchisor will also lose hands-on involvement with the individual operations and the franchisor will also be limited by contract to the actual changes which can and may incur in the franchise units operation structure. The prerequisite to compensate the franchisee payment and it expenditure to the franchisor can be too large a sum (in some cases). The bigger and famous the brands name the larger the amount to be paid. Such Second, all the goodwill accumulated by the franchisee in the local market will be transferred to the franchisor once the franchise contract expires or terminates. Years of hard work melts in moments with the transfer. Third, the franchisee does not have much freedom in his business. It is necessary that he has to adhere to the standards, policies, procedures and functioning systems of the franchisor. Creativity in ones own business is curtailed completely. Fourth, corporate profit margin reduces because of payment of royalties and other associated levies. Many entrepreneurs think that owning and running a franchise business guarantees more revenue, profit and returns; this is not always be the case, while it may be true for the short term but long term case studies show that starting your own business will be cheaper to run and pay off better than franchising. Communication is one of the most important things between a franchiser and franchisee, when there is some sort of miscommunication the business is likely to fail. Which will end up costing the franchisee a lot of time effort and money just as it will the franchiser. Especially if the franchise is opened in a country overseas. The cost will automatically increase due to taxes imposed by respective governments. As a franchisee you will not be able to operate your business to your fancy because the franchiser will already have some sort of business plan. Even though the franchisee may be better able to handle and organise the business but because they are tied to the brand theyre representing therefore makes business operations difficult. Furthermore, if the franchisee isnt able to uphold the franchisers image and standards, it will reflect poorly on the brand itself, which will then slow business down for both the franchiser and franchisee and in addition will make future entrepreneurs think poorly of the company and will lead them to not invest in the particular franchise as well. The success of a franchise depends on both the franchisor and the franchisee, on the product and the business strategies. To run a successful franchise one has to study the market, the franchisor and the product carefully and judiciously. Question 1 conclusion : After doing my research, what I can conclude is that franchising is a great way to expand a business and spread the name of the franchiser far and wide. A lot of thought must go into owning and running a franchise and is not an easy job and it is a lot to consider. But if it is done the right way and is organised for example, if its operating system is being run smoothly, it will surely prosper . Many companies have become successful by opening their branches across the country and in some cases the world. These companies are not stopping to open their franchisors around the world because these franchisee knows very well that the market globally demands the franchisors to be around. These can only tell one thing is that franchisors are upcoming throughout the entire world and it will not stop blooming due to the fact of its importance around as all the researches shows. Question 2 : 2. Identify one franchise property in your local market. discuss about the operation of it and how this property helps to improve the economic of your area. Question 2 introduction : In this modern era of globalization, a companys operations segment is the unit that manages and supports the company. Employees take care of all of the background activities that keep a company running efficiently behind the scenes. Operations employees dont usually come in direct contact with customers and end users, though they are responsible for helping to ensure that customers ultimately receive the product or service that the company promises. The operating cycle of a business is the average period of time required for a business to make an initial outlay of cash to produce goods, sell the goods, and receive cash from customers in exchange for the goods. If a company is a reseller, then the operating cycle does not include any time for production it is simply the date from the initial cash outlay to the date of cash receipt from the customer. Companies dont arbitrarily decide an operating cycle because it reflects how in reality business transactions progress from start to finish. The operating cycle is also referred to as the cash-conversion cycle, which is the length of time that a company takes to convert its inventory purchase to sales revenue. A typical operating cycle includes the days of inventory outstanding before sales, the days of accounts receivable outstanding before cash collection, and the days of accounts payable outstanding before cash payments. The operating cycle is useful for estimating the amount of working capital that a company will need in order to maintain or grow its business. A company with an extremely short operating cycle requires less cash, and so can still grow while selling at relatively small margins. Conversely, a business may have fat margins and yet still require additional financing to grow at even a modest pace, if its operating cycle is unusually long. Question 2 answers : The following are all factors that influence the duration of the operating cycle: The extended payment terms to the company by its suppliers since the company can delay paying out cash. longer payment terms shorten the operating cycle. The order fulfilment policy, since a higher assumed initial fulfilment rate increases the amount of inventory on hand, which increases the operating cycle. The credit policy and related payment terms, since looser credit equates to a longer interval before customers pay, which extends the operating cycle. Thus, several management decisions (or negotiated issues with business partners) can impact the operating cycle of a business. McDonalds is a great example of a franchise, many people have opened this chains of fast food all over their respective countries and to bring benefits to themselves and economies in which theyve started this .Here are some of the factors of the famous fast food chain we visit frequently, McDonalds. Common Operations Units Management is one of the most important operational part of a moving business. Management is responsible most of everything. The management would handle the production duties and make various and different strategic plans for the company to follow. The marketing unit is in charge of the side of how to attract the customers towards the companies .As in example ,the marketing unit would be the people who publish stuffs about the company in newspapers and magazines. The administrative unit of the company is in charge of ordering supplies, hiring employees, and managing communication within (and outside of) the firm. If you have a secretary to run your small office, this person commonly handles all of your administrative support activities. Quality Management Employees who work in operations have various kinds of responsibilities, but the most common and the most important job to handle is the quality management. All of the operational units in the business will have to keep an eye on the quality management. This is due to the fact that if quality management is not handled properly with an oderly manner, there could be a very bad image upon the companies which in the end would be blamed on the operational units. Considerations To have a functional and well-run operations unit, the company must be structured and its foundation must be strong in order to run like a well-oiled machine. Communication to and from the various operational units of the business is key because they all work together to help generate a profit for the company. This is especially true for a very small company one cog in the wheel can jam up operations. There is usually as written operations procedure manual distributed among all the employees to clear out all the confusions. This helps a lot because then the employee doesnt need to disturb the employers for any information but just directly go through the manual. When a franchisee invests in a host country, the scale of the investment is likely to be very large and cause a lot of economic activity in whichever market it establishes itself in. Improving the balance of payments Inward investment will usually help a countrys balance of payments situation. The investment itself will be a direct flow of capital into the country and the investment is also likely to result in import substitution and export promotion. Export promotion comes due to the franchise using their production facility as a basis for exporting, while import substitution means that products previously imported may now be bought domestically. Providing employment FDI will usually result in employment benefits for the host country as most employees will be locally recruited. These benefits may be relatively greater given that governments will usually try to attract firms to areas where there is relatively high unemployment or a good labour supply. Source of tax revenue Profits of franchises will be subject to local taxes in most cases, which will provide a valuable source of revenue for the domestic government. Technology transfer Franchises will bring in the best technology and all the kinds of methods that would be new to the host country. In contrary ,by doing this method, the host country would learn a lot from all these kinds of techniques which are very valuable to them. National reputation The presence of any one of these franchises may bring out the best of the country and also improve the high status of the host country. This would be very good because all the other host countries which would see the difference, would definitely follow up with their own franchises Question 2 conclusion : Given all the information, a owning and running a franchise is a risky business as is with all business but people do so with government encouragement and because they think that running a franchise will guarantee a bigger or higher profit or income. This may not always be the case and it is often found that in the long run running an original business gives higher returns. Though all business have their pros and cons, franchising and running a franchise has with it a lot to consider and the proper decisions and actions must be taken in order for the business to succeed and prosper.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Essay Paper
Canadian Identity: A Rhetorical Analysis Essay In this essay, the articles ‘Listen to the north’ by John Ralston Saul and ‘Which ‘Native’ History? By Whom? For Whom? ’ by J. R. Miller will be analyzed, specifically looking at each authors argument and his appeal to ethos, logos and pathos. In the first article, ‘Listen to the North’, author John Ralston Saul argues that current Canadian policy when it comes to our north, and the people that reside there, is out of date and based on southern ideals that hold little bearing on the realities that face northern populations.He suggests instead that the policies and regulations should be shaped by people who know the territory and it’s needs, namely people who live there. In the second article, ‘Which ‘Native’ History? By Whom? For Whom? , Author Jim Miller discuses conventions in recording native history, focusing on an area he refers to as native-newcomer histo ry. He discusses topics such as who should be recording said history, and for whom it should be intended, as evidence in the title.Both of these articles provide arguments that appeal to ethos, logos and pathos, but it is my opinion that John Ralston Saul makes a more convincing argument to his audience in ‘Listen to the north’ than Jim Miller makes in ‘Which ‘Native’ History? By Whom? For Whom? ’. The First appeal that John Ralston Saul makes is to ethos, and while credentials such as being the president of PEN International, various awards and being a well respected professional in his field all give credit to his name, he also shows that he has first hand knowledge in the specific topic he is covering.He does this through the use of a personal anecdote about his experience in the north, as well as mentioning the several times he has travelled to the north in his later career. Considering Saul’s audience, namely readers interested in r eform of policies and practices in the north, I believe that this makes a stronger argument than Jim Miller does in his article.This would be due to the fact that Miller does not provide any indication as to his experience in the field on which he is writing, and though he dose have impressive credentials himself, including a doctorate, being a professor at the University of Saskatchewan, and having a Canadian research chair position, the lack of said mention would provide a weaker argument to his audience, consisting of people interested in or researching about methods of recording native history.The next convincing argument that John Ralston Saul makes is his appeal to logos, it makes logical sense that a person who lives and works in the north would know best what is needed for northern people. This means his argument that northern people should be instrumental in creating northern policy makes a strong logical point, and a strong argument to his audience, who will most likely be able to see the logic in this. One example he uses is the current state of military presence in the north, the rangers.He talks about the uniform given to these men and women, which consists of a hooded sweatshirt and a baseball cap. John Ralston Saul states that â€Å"You can't wear this outfit outside ten months of the year†(4), and it would make logical sense that a person who lives in the north would not choose such an outfit, as it would be too ineffective in day to day use. Miller also uses logos in his argument when he discuses the fact that native-newcomer history should be reported by both native and non-native historians.Again, this appeals to the logical side of his readers, who would be able to follow the train of thought stating that if a history involves two separate groups of people, then both sides of said history should be examined, and doing such will give you a much more complete picture of events. Where is argument falls short in contrast to ‘Liste n to the North’ is the fact that though Miller makes the logical point of the recording of said history should be shared, he does not go on to provide as strong examples to his point, where Saul does.The last appeal that was made in ‘Listen to the north’ was the appeal to pathos. The author shares a sense of how ridiculous it is that northern peoples have less of an influential role in planning policy and regulation in the north. Using the example of the snowmobiles that rangers have to urinate on to get started in the cold north, Saul portrays a sense of the almost comical nature of having persons who live far away from the real life issues and hardships form policies. The reader then feels the same way the author does, which defiantly advances his argument.Miller also makes his appeal to pathos in ‘Which ‘Native’ History? By Whom? For Whom? ’, but again, I believe that it is a less effective argument, and appeals less to the emotions o f his audience. Millers argument is more based off a feeling of ownership he tries to create in his audience, the native-newcomer history belongs to both parties, not one exclusively, this creates a feeling of entitlement, as well as a feeling of being included. At the end of the article, Miller states â€Å"Which ‘Native' history? Native-newcomer history. By whom?Any and all students who are qualified and willing to carry out its methods. For whom? All Canadians†(35). I think that this is less effective then the feeling portrayed by Saul, one of ridiculousness of the current state of affairs, since persons would more likely agree with him if they also believe the current policy is foolish, as to not look foolish themselves. While both articles make strong points using the argumentative techniques of ethos, logos and pathos, it is still my opinion that John Ralston Saul makes a stronger argument in ‘listen to the north’ than Jim Miller does in ‘Which ‘Native’ History?By Whom? For Whom? ’. Saul’s use of personal connection to the topic, a stronger logical standpoint, and a more effective use of his readers emotions means that he by far has a stronger argument than his counterpart J. R. Miller. Works Cited: Miller, Jim. â€Å"Which ‘Native' History? By Whom? For Whom. † Canadian Issues. Fall 2008 33-35. Saul, John Ralston. â€Å"Listen to the North. † Literary Review of Canada. 17. 8 (2009): 3-5. Essay Paper Canadian Identity: A Rhetorical Analysis Essay In this essay, the articles ‘Listen to the north’ by John Ralston Saul and ‘Which ‘Native’ History? By Whom? For Whom? ’ by J. R. Miller will be analyzed, specifically looking at each authors argument and his appeal to ethos, logos and pathos. In the first article, ‘Listen to the North’, author John Ralston Saul argues that current Canadian policy when it comes to our north, and the people that reside there, is out of date and based on southern ideals that hold little bearing on the realities that face northern populations.He suggests instead that the policies and regulations should be shaped by people who know the territory and it’s needs, namely people who live there. In the second article, ‘Which ‘Native’ History? By Whom? For Whom? , Author Jim Miller discuses conventions in recording native history, focusing on an area he refers to as native-newcomer histo ry. He discusses topics such as who should be recording said history, and for whom it should be intended, as evidence in the title.Both of these articles provide arguments that appeal to ethos, logos and pathos, but it is my opinion that John Ralston Saul makes a more convincing argument to his audience in ‘Listen to the north’ than Jim Miller makes in ‘Which ‘Native’ History? By Whom? For Whom? ’. The First appeal that John Ralston Saul makes is to ethos, and while credentials such as being the president of PEN International, various awards and being a well respected professional in his field all give credit to his name, he also shows that he has first hand knowledge in the specific topic he is covering.He does this through the use of a personal anecdote about his experience in the north, as well as mentioning the several times he has travelled to the north in his later career. Considering Saul’s audience, namely readers interested in r eform of policies and practices in the north, I believe that this makes a stronger argument than Jim Miller does in his article.This would be due to the fact that Miller does not provide any indication as to his experience in the field on which he is writing, and though he dose have impressive credentials himself, including a doctorate, being a professor at the University of Saskatchewan, and having a Canadian research chair position, the lack of said mention would provide a weaker argument to his audience, consisting of people interested in or researching about methods of recording native history.The next convincing argument that John Ralston Saul makes is his appeal to logos, it makes logical sense that a person who lives and works in the north would know best what is needed for northern people. This means his argument that northern people should be instrumental in creating northern policy makes a strong logical point, and a strong argument to his audience, who will most likely be able to see the logic in this. One example he uses is the current state of military presence in the north, the rangers.He talks about the uniform given to these men and women, which consists of a hooded sweatshirt and a baseball cap. John Ralston Saul states that â€Å"You can't wear this outfit outside ten months of the year†(4), and it would make logical sense that a person who lives in the north would not choose such an outfit, as it would be too ineffective in day to day use. Miller also uses logos in his argument when he discuses the fact that native-newcomer history should be reported by both native and non-native historians.Again, this appeals to the logical side of his readers, who would be able to follow the train of thought stating that if a history involves two separate groups of people, then both sides of said history should be examined, and doing such will give you a much more complete picture of events. Where is argument falls short in contrast to ‘Liste n to the North’ is the fact that though Miller makes the logical point of the recording of said history should be shared, he does not go on to provide as strong examples to his point, where Saul does.The last appeal that was made in ‘Listen to the north’ was the appeal to pathos. The author shares a sense of how ridiculous it is that northern peoples have less of an influential role in planning policy and regulation in the north. Using the example of the snowmobiles that rangers have to urinate on to get started in the cold north, Saul portrays a sense of the almost comical nature of having persons who live far away from the real life issues and hardships form policies. The reader then feels the same way the author does, which defiantly advances his argument.Miller also makes his appeal to pathos in ‘Which ‘Native’ History? By Whom? For Whom? ’, but again, I believe that it is a less effective argument, and appeals less to the emotions o f his audience. Millers argument is more based off a feeling of ownership he tries to create in his audience, the native-newcomer history belongs to both parties, not one exclusively, this creates a feeling of entitlement, as well as a feeling of being included. At the end of the article, Miller states â€Å"Which ‘Native' history? Native-newcomer history. By whom?Any and all students who are qualified and willing to carry out its methods. For whom? All Canadians†(35). I think that this is less effective then the feeling portrayed by Saul, one of ridiculousness of the current state of affairs, since persons would more likely agree with him if they also believe the current policy is foolish, as to not look foolish themselves. While both articles make strong points using the argumentative techniques of ethos, logos and pathos, it is still my opinion that John Ralston Saul makes a stronger argument in ‘listen to the north’ than Jim Miller does in ‘Which ‘Native’ History?By Whom? For Whom? ’. Saul’s use of personal connection to the topic, a stronger logical standpoint, and a more effective use of his readers emotions means that he by far has a stronger argument than his counterpart J. R. Miller. Works Cited: Miller, Jim. â€Å"Which ‘Native' History? By Whom? For Whom. † Canadian Issues. Fall 2008 33-35. Saul, John Ralston. â€Å"Listen to the North. † Literary Review of Canada. 17. 8 (2009): 3-5.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Jonathan Edwards Essay Topics at a Glance
Jonathan Edwards Essay Topics at a Glance The goal of such essays isn't to demonstrate your knowledge, yet to exhibit the important thinking and analytical skills. Greatest essay papers ought to be original and plagiarism free. Our example essay may also help you to understand how to use various style of writing. Argumentative essays are a few of the best that you can write as a student. Ultimately, now that you're prepared to work on your paper, we wish to remind you of the significance of appropriate essay structure. Instead of just immediately writing about your argumentative essay topic, you first have to think about what it is that you are likely to put back on your paper through a procedure of brainstorming and pre-writing. When writing a crucial composition, it's sensible to pick contradictive topics. You may have to decide on a suitable topic for your essay paper and you're running short of ideas. Besides general knowledge you have regarding the subject, you won't mind dedicating some opportunity to research, writing procedure, and other facets essential for the high-quality essay. In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to discover ready-made essays and use them as an example. You're guaranteed the communication essay is going to be that which you've asked for. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. There's a lot of fantastic college application essay topics that you are able to select for your paper. Since you may see, there's a multitude of different argumentative paper titles you are able to utilize. There is a variety of of essays, and every one of them is challenging in a different way. There are 3 basic kinds of essays,, and When given a choice, individuals usually do not pick the argumentative essay. The One Thing to Do for Jonathan Edwards Essay Topics As a high school student, there are numerous things which you need to do in order to prepare for law school. The intent of assigning an essay to middle school students is to make awareness and permit them to develop writing skills. Another reason is to observe how well students argue on distinct views and demonstrate understanding of the studied subject. If you are certain you desire to practice law but you've not completed your high school education, the majority of people may tell you its too early. The War Aga inst Jonathan Edwards Essay Topics You don't need to find super technical with legal argumentative essays, but make sure to do your homework on what the present laws about your favorite topic actually say. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics as you need opposing points you could counter to your own points. If you're in a college and need to compose an argumentative essay, you should pick a subject of high importance. Canadian students need to deal with the exact same problem of selecting engaging argumentative essay topics as the remainder of the world. When it has to do with writing an argumentative essay, the most crucial matter to do is to select a topic and an argument you may really get behind. It's not sufficient to settle on a topic which everybody agrees on. A great topic will allow it to be simpler to pursue the purpose of an argumentative essay, which is, evidently, the whole investigation of the problem you speak about. Picking an emotional topic is also a superb idea. Patrick Henry was also an extremely strong speaker. Examine the sermon Edward gave in addition to its importance at the opportunity to several men and women. Jonathan Edwards was a highly effective speaker. The Lost Secret of Jonathan Edwards Essay Topics Persuade the admission officers that you are really worthy for admission. At the exact same time, it also needs to be simple to research, that way you'll discover evidence to support claims you make. It's essential not just to supply the evidence to back up your position but also to refute that of your opponents. In an argumentative essay, you ought to keep in mind that you've got to choose a single side of the argument. As an issue of fact, the content of your essay is dependent on what you're likely to write about. Ultimately you need to reach a conclusion together with convincing the reader your conclusion is the most suitable one. A conclusion is, without doubt, the most essential portion of the argumentative essay as possible either support the excellent impression or destroy it entirely.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 844 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/07/29 Category Politics Essay Level High school Tags: Communism Essay Did you like this example? The book How we Survived Communism and Even Laughed is written by Slavenkia Drakulic. Based in 1990, Drakulic shares her journey about traveling to various Eastern European countries to converse with women about their lives in their communist countries. This essay will be discussing and exploring the hardships men and women had to face under their communist countries, specifically the lack of goods/products, the challenges/burdens women faced, and the authors reasoning on why she believed communism failed. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed" essay for you Create order The book discusses the authors personal experiences she has endured in a communist country, but primarily focuses on the stories of other womens personal journeys, feelings, opinions, and hardships they had to face. Throughout the book Drakulic maintains a huge dislike for her communist country. A huge problem that people had to face was the lack of goods and products they could obtain. A considerably important product Drakulic discusses in her book is the shortage of toilet paper. In the United States, we see toilet paper as a necessity, a day to day product used by the whole nation. However, the citizens of these communist countries are denied to this necessity and our forced to accommodate with what they have. In these European countries toilet paper is considered a luxury item, and if that is the case we know there is a huge problem. Drakulic states Progress in communism was marked by better and better quality toilet paper. (Drakulic 72) People were forced to use other items such as newspaper in replace of toilet paper thus revealing the way these people had to survive and be resourceful. Aside from this dire necessity women where denied the basic products they should be provided, and theref ore humiliated. Tampons and sanitary were luxury items and many did not have access to them. Ultimately leading women to a state of humiliation and feeling degraded. Alongside the lack of these necessities came along with the undesirable living situations. Drakulic goes into detail about how families were forced to live in cramped apartments with their family members and sometimes people they didnt know. Families who were lucky where the ones who had grandparents/parents whom already obtained an apartment. The outrageous price of the apartments and the lack of them made it difficult for families to move on with their new families or out of their parents home. Again, showing how limited and impossible it was for people of communist counties to explore the possibly of freedom and life on their own. The lack of privacy was another huge disadvantage for the people of communist countries. Everywhere people went, their lives were monitored from their phone calls to eating out at a restaurant. They were always being watched. Their only escape was at home. And although they wanted their own freedom, the citizens did not desire such thing because of the principles placed upon them. Overall, the lack of childrens toys, privacy, food, and apartments to the lack toilet paper, men, women, and children were denied important, normal, and crucial items and products they needed to live a healthy/normal life. It appears that in a communist country, all are said to be equal both men and women. However, though they semi- accomplished this by making it hard for women to access cosmetics and create their own sense of style, women were often degraded, humiliated and treated as less than. Cosmetics were luxury products to women and an ideal way to separate your looks from the rest. Women had a huge desire to create an identity for themselves. Women not being able to feel different led to low self-esteem and depression. Drakulic states Without a choice of cosmetics and clothes wasnt at all hard to create the special kind of uniformity that comes out of an equal distribution of poverty and the neglect of peoples real needs. There was no chance for individualism †for women or men (Drakulic 23). Sexism was huge problem in communist countries, because though the government tried to create equality between the two there was question about who would do what type of work ex. house work, office work. Drakulic states What is one supposed to call hand-washing of laundry, scrubbing floors, or ironing? The answer is: just womens work (Drakulic 46). This quote shows that although equality was the goal, their standards would never be met because of deep-rooted sexism towards women. Overall women were faced with many challenges and burdens. They were denied the ability of individualism, were treated as less then, and denied the necessities a woman needs. Lastly Darkulic discusses why she believes communism has failed. A variety of reasons were believed to have caused such failure. One being the lack of consideration and support for the people. Darkulic states it failed because of distrust, because of a fear for the future. True people did collect out of povertya poverty in which the whole country is deprived, everybody is poora state of life that hardly changesbecause deep down nobody believed in a system that was continuously unable to provide for its citizens basic needs.( Drakulic 189)
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