Saturday, May 23, 2020
Process Flow For Generating Service Route - 1619 Words
Introduction The company in question is a leading environmental services provider that offers collection, processing, recycling, as well as disposal of both non-hazardous and hazardous materials for automotive and industrial clientele. Having branches across the United States, service representatives in these branches carry out service provision for customers who are geographically dispersed across their respective territories. From the As-is process, we can see that there are approximately 45,000 service orders each week across all branches; the volume of service orders per week is quite large. In order to maximize time and fuel efficiency, and also reduce the cost of†¦show more content†¦Improve the process of estimating route feasibility by reducing the number of changes to the finalized route by at least 20 percent. 2. Improve estimates of speed and distance for service routes by at least 20 percent. However, the metrics for these two goals were not standard or measurable. In addition, in the define phase, the company did not collect and analyze customer opinions and preferences, despite one of the deep purpose of the project being to improve customer satisfaction. As such there is little evidence to prove whether the project goals were in line with user requirements or not. Besides, after the team set up the project goals, an in-frame/out-of-frame analysis was established to manage the scope o f the project from the information technical (IT) and branch operations perspective. This was done to establish what was within direct control of the team and what was not. However, from a business perspective, they did not have a clear and reachable plan for the project time period, and no actual timeline for the entire process. It is unusual to not show a business flow following a timeline or give a specific plan for accomplishing of the project goals. Based on this, the project team gets a low grade for the first criteria. Application of Six Sigma Tools In the Six Sigma application, one of the most important segments is using the tools and techniques correctly and properly. In the define phase, the company defined theShow MoreRelatedLiepers Model1593 Words  | 7 Pagesdefining the tourist and its classification turns out to be equally relevant. (2) Geographical Elements: Leiper describes three main geographical elements in his system’s model. These are: (i) Traveller-generating region (ii) Tourist destination region (iii) Transit route region The traveller-generating region (TGR) exemplifies the area breeding markets for tourism, and practically acts as the ‘push’ force to motivate and stimulate i.e., set off and encourage travel. It is this region where the touristRead More407 Homework 1983 Words  | 4 Pagesbillion through 2010 to upgrade process control systems and maintenance procedures at its Texas City refinery, where an explosion in 2005 killed 15 and injured 170. 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The planner must recognize how to balance the current products against possible policies for future development and their likely implications in terms of cash flow, market share, return on capital employed and other key components of company objectives. A successful behavior trait taking hold for successful companies is to develop business models to assess a strategy. These models provide change models expandingRead MoreJava Essay1358 Words  | 6 Pagesenvironments, businesses can provide more services and boost end-user productivity, communication, and collaboration and dramatically reduce the cost of ownership of both enterprise and consumer applications. The original and reference implementation Java compilers, virtual machines, and class libraries were originally released by Sun under proprietary licenses. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Success Of Steve Wokniak Company Essay - 1755 Words
Steve Wokniak founded Apple Incorporated in 1976 along with the now deceased Steve Jobs. Both Steve’s were college dropouts. Two months after creating their first circuit board they had 200 orders of them. 1970 is also the year that they released the iconic Apple I from their the grew like wild fire. Releasing multiple different versions and new styles that many people loved. Wozniak was the â€Å"technical genius†while Jobs was the out side the box thinker that came up with all of the crazy ideas that some how worked. The year after Apple was incorporated they released the widely recognized Apple II which ‘sold more than 100,000 units†(Michael). With the increased â€Å"sales jumped from $7.8 million in 1978 to $117 million in 1980†(Apple Inc.) this was the big start the Apple was looking for, offering public stocks in 1980. The success did not always flow for the young company, after the release of the Macintosh computer (Mac) the company was hit hard with 17% income loss in 1984(Michael). Though after a couple of rough years the Mac really took off and hard great years after it. â€Å"Steve Jobs one of the founding members resigned as chairman in 1985, saying ‘I’ve been thinking a lot, and its time for e to get on with my life.’†(News Staff) Jobs started the NeXT Computer company with the money the got by selling his Apple stocks. A company that apple would later merge with. In the early 1990’s apple controlled 60% and 80% of market share (Michael). Sales took a dip again in 1995
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hamlet’s 4th Soliloquy Analyze Free Essays
Hamlet’s 4th soliloquy analyze â€Å"To be or not to be†can arguably be Shakespeare’s most recognizable quote in all of his work. Hamlet attempts to reason with himself on whether or not death is the only solution to end all life suffering portrays him as both confused and cowardly. In this monologue, Hamlet goes into a tough debate over whether he should end his own suffering by commit suicide, or to step it up and revenge for his father. We will write a custom essay sample on Hamlet’s 4th Soliloquy Analyze or any similar topic only for you Order Now This solilguy also shows the reader on how Hamlet deals with stress and the lost of love one. In conclusion, he decided to live and fulfill his promise. Indication from this monologue exposed Hamlet’s flaws for lacking of action, being hesitant, and unable to settle his mind. This help lay the foundation of Hamlet’s characteristic and his reasons behind his actions in the later part of the play. Like many Shakespeare’s writing, it is up to the reader to decide on the characteristic of Hamlet. Many may view â€Å"to be or not to be†as Hamlet’s suicide attempt, however, it really portrays Hamlet as a stressed out young man that can not deal with his surrounding. Hamlet position himself between the two extremes with life and death by questioning himself on â€Å"†Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them†. He asked himself if it is â€Å"nobler†to commit suicide, but quickly goes against his early statement by saying actions requires â€Å"arms against a sea of troubles†. This shows that Hamlet is puzzled with himself on whether he should end his â€Å"sea of troubles†by means of death, or to suffer through the pain of living. As Hamlet thinks towards death and ending all life stress, he quoted: â€Å"To die-to sleep, No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to :’to consummation devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep; To sleep, perchance to dream†. Hamlet wishes if he was dead, he will no longer have to suffer through his â€Å"heart-ache†and â€Å"thousand natural shocks†. The monologue continues as Hamlet debate on his decisions. Finally, Hamlet points out the reason why he choice to live instead of death. He choice to live because â€Å"the dread of something after death, The undiscover’d country from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will†. In other words, Hamlet unwilling to commit suicide is because he does not know what lies after death and it was against his religious believe. Ironically, through out the soliloquy, the reader can conclude from Hamlet’s sorrow and depression that he himself knows his weakness in thinking too much on his revenge and yet Hamlet does not react or even tries to. It has been weeks before Hamlet’s promises towards his father on revenge to kill Cladius, but once again, we see Hamlet is confused as ever. He then quotes: â€Å"Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action†. This further fortifies the above statement for stating himself for being cowardly and did not take action when he had the chance. It seems that Hamlet needs to list out every possible outcome of his action before processing it. Hamlet is helpless of his own lack of confidence and this will lead to his ultimate doom. This important soliloquy exposed the flaws of Hamlet’s character and it shows Hamlet’s self conflict and his possible solutions in taking action. This is the main point of the play as it signifies a development in Hamlet’s thought and his readiness in finally starting to act. It also shows Hamlet’s approach on the question of life and death and how he compares both of them by over examine each and every possible outcome. This soliloquy also shows Hamlet’s puzzlement, lack of action and his overall cowardly behavior. We knows that Hamlet’s unwilling to commit suicide is because he wants revenge, but the more important question is whether revenge is truly keeping him alive, or that he is just too cowardly to face the mystery after death. How to cite Hamlet’s 4th Soliloquy Analyze, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
International Marketing Wesfarmers Limited
Question: Discuss about the International Marketing Wesfarmers Limited. Answer: Introduction Wesfarmers Limited is one of the major diversified corporations of Australia with several international business operations. The company was established in the year of 1914 and from then, Wesfarmers has become the largest corporation in Australia ( 2017). The diversified business operations of Wesfarmers include supermarket, liquor, hotel, convenience stores, office supplies, home improvements, departmental stores, energy, fertilizers, and many others. According to the current marketing situation of the company, Wesfarmers can be described as a competitive organization. The major marketing goal of the organization is to deliver high quality of products to its customers in order to satisfy the needs of the customers. Various business processes of Wesfarmers include production, distribution, sales, marketing and various customer services. It can be seen that there are four stages of the life cycle of the various products of Wesfarmers; these stages are introduction of the product, growth of the product, maturity of the product and decline of the product ( 2017). SWOT Analysis of Wesfarmers The SWOT analysis of Wesfarmers is shown below: STRENGTHS One of the major strengths of Wesfarmers is huge business experience in the Australian market. The company has been doing business in more than 18 decades. This huge experience can be used to make international ventures. Reasonable and affordable price of the various products is another key strength of Wesfarmers. This could be an effective strategy to establish international business (Cheng, Green and Ko 2014). The good reputation and brand name is another major strength of Wesfarmers. With the help of these two, the company has been able to develop a strong customer base (Murray 2013). The directors and managers of Wesfarmers have effective business skills in different areas of the business. In order to expand internationally, the skills and knowledge of the directors and managers are the major tools. WEAKNESSES Lack of technological presence can be seen in different business aspects of Wesfarmers. This can be considered as a major weakness of the company. It can be seen that there is a lack of mutual bond of Wesfarmers with the economy of Australia. When time comes, it can be a major weakness of the company. OPPORTUNITIES The good economic condition of Australia has increased the disposal income of the people of Australia. This creates business opportunities for Wesfarmers as the company can increase the revenue and profitability of the company by fulfilling the demand of the customers. Wesfarmers has the opportunity to develop the core competencies of the organization for the presence of immense competition in this industry. With the help of experienced and skillful team of management, Wesfarmers has the opportunity to expand its business worldwide. THREATS The continuous increase in the number of competitors is a major threat for Wesfarmers as it is hampering the business opportunities of the company. The negative effect of the world economic recession on the business operations of Wesfarmers is a major threat for the company (Ball 2014). To comply with different kinds of international rules and regulations at the time of international business is another major threat for the company. Table 1: SWOT Analysis of Wesfarmers (Source: as created by Author) Analysis of Customer Market, Position and Segmentation Wesfarmers takes their customers very seriously as the company ensure proper customer engagement in every level of business. It can be seen that every section of the business of Wesfarmers communicates with their customers in the best possible way. All the businesses of Wesfarmers have well developed communication mechanism in order to communicate with the customers of the organization. Wesfarmers is always quick to solve the problems of the customers (Wood 2012). Wesfarmers have taken some of the major strategies in order to position themselves in the market. With the help of strong customers loyalty and brand trust, Wesfarmers has been able to well position themselves in the market. Another important strategy in this regard is to create, leverage and respond the latest product trends in the market ( 2017). Wesfarmers has the ability to exploit every opportunity in the market. These are the major positioning strategy of Wesfarmers. Looking at the different kinds of products of Wesfarmers, it can be understood that people from all segments irrespective of their age, sex and income are the major customers of Wesfarmers. Recommended Country Based on the above analysis of different business aspects of Wesfarmers, it is recommended that Singapore will be the suitable country for Wesfarmers to launch its different kinds of products. The reasons are discussed below. Recommendations Various reasons lead to the selection of Singapore as the suitable country for the international business of Wesfarmers. Four major factors in this case are product, price, place and promotion. In case of product, the kinds of product Wesfarmers produce have a great demand in Singapore like departmental store, food products and others. In case of price strategy, the political and regulatory condition of the host country is great influencers. The political condition of Singapore is stable and it suits the international business. In addition, the regulatory framework of Singapore is suitable to the international businesses. The developing economy of Singapore has a lot of demand. Hence, Singapore is the perfect place for Wesfarmers (Zikmund et al. 2013). Almost every kind of promotional activities are available in Singapore to promote the products of Wesfarmers. Thus, based on the above discussion, it can be understood that Singapore is the most suitable place top launch the products o f Wesfarmers. Conclusion The main aim of the report was to explore the international business opportunities of the Australian company, Wesfarmers. From the above discussion, it can be seen that experience and affordable price are the major strengths of Wesfarmers. On the other hand, the presence of many competitors and the impact of world economic recession are the major threats of Wesfarmers. After that, the name of Singapore is recommended as the host international country for Wesfarmers. The main reason is that the political and regulatory condition of the country is well suitable for the businesses of Wesfarmers. References Ball, L.M., 2014.Long-term damage from the Great Recession in OECD countries(No. w20185). National Bureau of Economic Research. Cheng, M.M., Green, W.J. and Ko, J.C.W., 2014. The impact of strategic relevance and assurance of sustainability indicators on investors' decisions.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,34(1), pp.131-162. Murray, B., 2013. Culture Is the Brand: Making Your Company's Culture the Essence of Your Brand.Effective Executive,16(4), p.11. (2017).2016 Strategy Briefing Day. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017]. (2017).The Wesfarmers Way. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017]. (2017).Who we are. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017]. Wood, T., 2012. Putting the customer back in front. Zikmund, W.G., Babin, B.J., Carr, J.C. and Griffin, M., 2013.Business research methods. Cengage Learning
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